Karen Lindquist ktlindquist@hotmail.com ILS 501-S70 Viticulture Karen Lindquist ktlindquist@hotmail.com ILS 501-S70
The grapevine One of the oldest cultivated plants in the world Viticulture 2/24/2019
Grapes are deciduous woody vines The trunk is the permanent stem which is often grafted to a disease resistant rootstock The canes extend from the trunk to bear the flowers and fruit. Only one year old canes will bear fruit One year canes Photo courtesy of Wine Tours of Texas trunk Viticulture 2/24/2019
Varieties Most grapes are cultivars of Vitis vinifera or Vitus labrusca and are eaten raw (table grapes) or made into raisins, jam, juice, jelly, vinegar, wine, grape seed extract and grape seed oil Red White Purple Crimson seedless Thompson seedless Niabell Flame seedless Pinot Grigio Fantasy seedless Red globe Sauvignon Blanc Concord Pinot noir Riesling Autumn Royal Zinfandel Perlette Ribier Cabernet Sauvignon Sugarone There are more than 300 varieties of grapes, this is a sampling of some of the more common varieties. The blue indicates table varieties and the gray are wine varieties. Viticulture 2/24/2019
Cultural needs Grapes require: full sun a well drained , slightly acidic soil a strong trellis or support system Viticulture 2/24/2019
Pruning Proper pruning is essential for an abundant grape harvest Prune in late winter while dormant Allow only 4 first year canes, securely tied to trellis Allow 4 spurs for next year, with 2-3 buds Number of buds on remaining canes should be proportional to the vigor of the vine cane spur For further information on proper pruning techniques visit the website on the screen for Ohio State University’s “Basic Principles of Pruning Backyard Grapevines”. The four –arm Kniffen System is the most popular approach to pruning grapevines. http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1428.html Viticulture 2/24/2019
Pest Management Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a new approach in viticulture, brought on by consumer pressure and economics. Chemical pesticides are used only as a last resort when other methods such as scouting, sampling, thresholds, forecasts and biological and cultural controls are ineffectual. A grape grower monitors for summer diseases as part of the field IPM scouting program. Photo courtesy of the National Grape Cooperative, Inc. Viticulture 2/24/2019
Pests and Diseases to consider in an IPM grape program birds Anthracnose Japanese beetles Black rot on leaf and fruit Grape phylloxera Grape flea beetle larva Downy mildew Viticulture 2/24/2019
Harvesting Grapes should ripen on the vine to be enjoyed to their fullest Bon appétit Viticulture 2/24/2019
Reference List Viticulture 2/24/2019 Brown, Marcus., Gao, Gary . Ohio State University. (n.d.) Basic principles of pruning backyard grapevine. Retrieved October 20,2008 http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1428.html Center for Agricultural Partnerships. (n.d.) Retrieved October 20,2008 www.agcenter.org/proggroundupprojmi.html Gardening How to. (n.d.). Pruning grapes. Retrieved October 20,2008 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gardening-howto.com/pruning-plants/images/grapes- Grapes from California.(2008). Retrieved October 20,2008 http://www.grapesfromcalifornia.com/varieties.html Jauron,R., Nonnecke,G., Lewis, D., Gleason,M. Iowa State University. Growing grapes in the home garden. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2008 http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/PM1707.pdf The Wine Info Site. Grape Varieties. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2008 http://www.twis.info/grape.php?select=all Weigle,T and Kovach, J. 1995 Grape IPM in the Northeast http://nysipm.cornell.edu/publications/grapeman/default.asp?metatags_Action=Find('PID','3 Wine Tours of Texas http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.winetoursoftexas.com/images_wine/grapevines.jpg &imgrefurl=http://www.winetoursoftexas.com Wyman, Donald. Wyman’s Gardening Encyclopedia. 1977. New York Viticulture 2/24/2019