Respond to the prompt below in the section for Friday 8-31-10. Unit 1 & 2: A Nation and its Ideals Emerge Chapter 4D: Colonial Roots of our Founding Ideals: How did the colonial period help shape America’s founding ideals? BELLWORK: Respond to the prompt below in the section for Friday 8-31-10. Pick 2 documents or events and list what rights or development of government it represents. HINT: check Notes 4.3 chart. Magna Carta: English Bill of Rights: House of Burgesses: Albany Plan of Union: Act of Religious Tolerance: Zenger Trial: Great Awakening:
Unit 1 & 2: A Nation and its Ideals Emerge Chapter 4D: Colonial Roots of our Founding Ideals: How did the colonial period help shape America’s founding ideals? SECTION 4.3 REVIEW: EBOR:1689: set forth individual rights, such as the rights to trial by jury, to petition the government, and to be protected from cruel and unusual punishments. These rights became expected by colonists. HOB: 1619: America’s first representative colonial assembly, reflected a belief in self-government. Only white, educated, male landowners were represented. APOU: 1754: the plan was rejected, it served as an early model for an American government based on the idea of a confederation, or alliance, of separate colonies. AORT: 1649: this act(law) established the right of freedom of religion. However, it only gave this right to Christians. ZT: 1735: this trial promoted the right of freedom of the press. GA: 1730s: helped shape American government by encouraging colonists to question authority and think for themselves. Colonists have the right to challenge and question the government.
Unit 1 & 2: A Nation and its Ideals Emerge Chapter 4D: Colonial Roots of our Founding Ideals: How did the colonial period help shape America’s founding ideals? CH4 PROCESSING – SPOKE DIAGRAM: Create a spoke diagram that reflects the colonial roots of America’s five founding ideals. Follow these steps for completion of the assignment: Copy the title and five spokes shown below. 5 points. Next to each founding ideal, list at least two(2) examples of how colonial events affected that ideal. Include at least five of the Key Content Terms in your examples. 5 ideals x 2 examples + use of 5 KCTS is 15 points. Draw at least one illustration to represent the colonial roots of each ideal. 5 points. Spoke diagram is turned in on time as a Ticket In The Door. 5 points. Total points for this assignment is 30. One example has been done for you, as shown in the Notebook Guide, please use the example as part one of your 5 spokes. As you work on your processing, Mr. Galindo will come and check your notes for Chapter 4.