Prepared by * Mrs.Pushpa Kurian *K.V.Trimulgherry TECHNOLOGY AIDED LEARNING TAL Prepared by * Mrs.Pushpa Kurian *K.V.Trimulgherry
EVS STANDARD-III STORY OF THE WHEEL To know the history of the wheel To know the significance of the wheel in view of the advancements in the means of transport over the years
The vehicles moving on the land and those flying in the air have one thing in common what is it? It is the wheel
The wheel that we see today was not like what we see now a days……… There is a story as to how the wheel has taken its present shape. In olden days man used to go only by foot, used to carry by himself, or used animals, some times he used to roll heave things on the ground
He found that heavy trunks could roll even by slightest push. He then connected two round pieces of the tree trunk and made a cart. He then used same size of round trunk and thus the cart began to move easily. As time passed man kept changing the shapes of the wheel.