Chemical Label Project You must do the following: Collect labels and place them into a zip lock bag. 2) Find 12 different ingredients (which you were taught how to formula write) found on the labels and write down: The label it came from b) Chemical name c) The chemical formula (showing ox. states and work). Information concerning the chemical and why it is used in your product? Advantages and disadvantages of the chemical.
You must then: 1) Produce a power point containing the info. 2) Last slide must list all of your resources. 3) You must place your power point in my drop box and print it out. All power points must be in my drop box by the date and period it is due! 4) The print out of your power point must have your baggie of labels stapled to it. 5) All products due on Friday (1/8/2010). ***No late projects will be accepted!! No homework passes will be accepted for this project! Start early and do “NOT” wait until the last minute!
Directions for Uploading your Power Point to my Drop box. Go to my webpage: Select “dropbox” at the top. Select folder with your period labeled on it. Type in username: chemistry Type in password: Hertzog Hit the “submit” button Browse and find your project from your computer Type in your name. Hit the “upload” button.