Early American Literature Review Guide: Unit 1
H. American Literature & Composition October 11, 2016 Early American Unit Review: 1.) Native American Literature 2.) Puritanism/Colonialism 3.) Revolutionary Period (Rationalism/Age of Reason) -The Earth on Turtle’s Back (20) -When Grizzlies Walked Upright (24) -From The Navajo Origin Legend (27) -Museum Indians (34) -From The Iroquois Constitution (42) Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (86) “To My Dear and Loving Husband” (76) “Huswifery” (82) The Crucible by Arthur Miller (1124) The American Crisis (117) Speech in the Virginia Convention (105) The Hypocrisy of American Slavery (handout) Key Terms and Ideas: -Understanding and identifying cultural beliefs through literature -Myth -archetype -Symbolism (especially in The Iroquois Constitution) -Imagery -Metaphor -Simile -personification -Cultural beliefs -Dramatic irony -Situational irony -Verbal irony -Conceit (extended metaphor) -Puritan Plain Style -ethos, pathos, and logos -SOAPSTone Key Terms: -Ethos -Pathos -Logos -Repetition -Restatement -Rhetorical question -Allusion -Parallelism -Anecdote