TG-DATA Forthcoming work


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Presentation transcript:

TG-DATA Forthcoming work Irene del Barrio (EEA) September 29, 2017 16th meeting of WG DIKE, Brussels TG-DATA Forthcoming work

Outcomes of TG DATA meeting 7-8 June 2017 Re-activation of the technical group, after 3 years without meetings Adopted a workshop format, with break-out sessions, where the discussions resulted in the identification of needs and the agreement on certain things Main conclusions: Recommend to further explore the use of INSPIRE Further discussions on what the content of the URLs requested for datasets to be provided under art.8, 9 and 10 reporting (schema ‘Indicators’, class ‘Datasets’) are needed By 2018, Member States have to comply with INSPIRE metadata and network services Implementation Rules. Data interoperability Implementation Rule deadline is 2020. Therefore, the use of other standards in 2018 may be expected Organisations such as ICES, EEA and RSCs can be used by Member States for Art.19.3 implementation. EMODNET tender specifications include the scope for potentially including this service. WG DIKE will be informed on this. Provision of general guidance on what data models and formats to be used is required. In that line, draft recommendations (coordinated by EEA/ETC/France) will be brought for discussion to TG-DATA in the next meeting. A scope exercise with regards to the INSPIRE alignment, on how to use the data specifications would be needed (e.g. CDDA approach) (DG ENV and EEA to check).

Work ongoing “Recommendations for the publication of datasets under MSFD Article 19.3” DRAFT OUTLINE TIMELINE First (draft) version presented at TG DATA meeting 2nd week of November Second (draft) version presented at TG DATA meeting early February Third (draft) version presented to WG DIKE members in early April Forth (final) version made available on CIRCABC for MSCG approval by the end of April   Background Scope - What data have to be published How DG ENV and the EEA will use the data INSPIRE Implementing Rules and Calendar Recommendations on how to publish the datasets Recommendations on the governance for the publication of datasets and metadata

Next TG-DATA meetings… forthcoming work 5th meeting: 9-10 November, Copenhagen Pendant agenda items from June meeting: Existing dataflows, actors & links Use of vocabularies Publication of datasets Draft “Recommendations for the publication of datasets under MSFD Article 19.3” Marine Reporting Units (formats) WISE-Marine 6th meeting: February 2018, Brest? Follow-up of 5th meeting issues 7th meeting (Autumn 2018) & 8th meeting (Spring 2019) INSPIRE Links with MSP