The Fundamental Rights are preserve in Part 3 of the constitution from articles 12 to 35. Fundamental Rights in our constitution are taken from USA.
Earlier there are seven fundamental rights. Right to equality (Article 14-18 ) Right to freedom (Article19-22) Right against exploitation ( Article 23-24) Right to freedom of religion (Article 25-28) Cultural and educational rights (Articlr29-30) Right to property (Article 31) Right to constitutional remedies(Article 32)
The right to property was deleted from the list of fundamental rights by the 44th amendent act,1978.
Now, there are six fundamental rights. Right to equality(Article 14-18) Right to freedom(Article 19-22) Right against exploitation (Article 23-24) Right to freedom of religion (Article25-28) Cultural and educational rights(Article 29-30) Right to constitutional remedies( Article32)
Writs The supreme court under Article 32 and the high court under Article 226 can issue the writs.
There are five types of writs : Habeas corpus Mandamus Prohibition Certiorari Quo-warranto
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