AS Biology This is a product of the science department of Dartford Technology College
Endoplasmic Reticulum Hen+ Dough + Plaice + Mike + Wreck + Tickle + Hem. Complex system of sheet like double membranes continuous with the nuclear membrane Two types of ER – smooth – has no ribosomes attached (RER) rough – has ribosomes attached (SER)
Golgi Body Goal + Guy + Body Formed from small pieces of rough ER which form small vesicles which join to make a Golgi body
Mitochondria My + Toe + Con + Dry + Hair. Relatively large organelle Rod/sausage shaped – 1um – 5um Have a double membrane The outer controls the entry & exit of materials Inner has many folds called cristae
Centriole Cent + Tree + Hole. Two short bundles of hollow cylinders (microtubules) positioned at right angles to each other Found just outside the nucleus in a clear area of cytoplasm called the centrosome Wall of each centriole is made of 9 triplets of tubes arranged at an angle
Ribosome Rye + Bows + Home. Small dense structures found in huge numbers. Can be attached to the rough ER of floating in the cytoplasm. Are about 20 – 25 nm in diameter in eukaryotic cells and slightly smaller in prokaryotic cells
Chloroplast Claw + Row + Plaster + (take away ER) Found inside photosynthetic tissues of plants (abundant in palisade mesophyll cells of leaves) Flat discs 2-10 um in diameter & 1um thick Have a double membrane called the chloroplast envelope Inner membrane folded into a series of lamellae
Nuclear Envelope Nuclear (bomb) + Envelope. The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear membrane / envelope Double membrane – outer is continuous with the ER Nuclear pores in the membrane allow the passage of large molecules in & out (eg messengerRNA)
Nucleolus New + Clay + Hoe + Lass. A spherical structure called the nucleolus is found in the nucleus – this makes ribosomal RNA and assembles the ribosomes.