DCN Convention for 802.21 The file name shall be as shown. An example of a good filename that conforms to the naming convention is 21-04-0001-00-0000-Naming_Convention.ppt Generic filename: gg-yy-ssss-rr-GGGG-brief_topic_name.ext, where “gg” is the 802 group 21 “yy” is the last 2 digits of the year the document is presented “ssss” is the sequence number of the document (contributor obtains this number from a WG official, incorporates it in the submission before making the submission) “rr” is the revision number “GGGG” is the WG, TG (task group letter), SG (as designated by chair), or SC (as designated by chair) to which the document is assigned or presented. Currently, all the documents are being contributed to the main WG, and hence “0000” (very futuristic!) “brief_topic_name” Human readable name should be as short as possible (please use underscore as the coupling letter between words). Do not add any other detail in this sub-string of the filename. “ext” Is the commonly used 3 letter file extensions: .doc for Word, .ppt for PowerPoint, .pdf for Adobe Acrobat compatible files, .xls for excel spread sheets. Only the above extensions are allowed. Open issues: How does the same file in different formats addressed? (I.e., Should it be represented by the same name with different extension or a completely different sequence number?)