Summary Feedback Control (Main Take Away Points) (See also notes) Jack Stankovic Spring 2015
Highest Level Point A well defined methodology exists for FC in computer systems Provides a great thinking process Provides performance assessment Robust (effects of the physical) Sensitivity analysis
Model Your System A powerful, empirically based methodology exists System ID Difference equations Understand your system Models are strongly encouraged
Analyze Systems z-transforms and transfer functions Poles LTI SASO Non-linear systems SASO With or without control Sensitivity analysis
Design Controllers Root Locus – general/see all solutions Pole Placement Design – meet requirements P, PI, PID are the most common
Applicability CPS Congestion control Power control RT databases RT scheduling Etc.
Future/CPS Still many challenges Decentralized systems Open Systems (use predictive control) Heterogeneous Systems Hybrid Systems Interacting control loops Delayed or lost control messages/measurements Adaptive systems (run system ID on-line)