Satellite Interoperability Workshop LSI/SDCG/GEOGLAM Joint Meeting Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Satellite Interoperability Workshop LSI/SDCG/GEOGLAM Joint Meeting Steven Hosford, Jeff Masek 6th September, 2018
Context 1st Satellite Interoperability Workshop 13th – 15th August, Menlo Park Convened by non-profit Radiant Earth 2 principal sponsors: Planet and Maxar Close to 100 participants including private sector, non-profit sector, institutional Majority of participants from US, but significant European presence also Common Welcome session, then two parallel tracks Analysis Ready Data STAC CEO presented CEOS Analysis Ready Data for Land
Context Stated objective of ARD track: establish standards that will allow everyone to produce interoperable ARD Primary workshop achievement: put everyone on the same page with respect to the what has been done already and what is out there in the “ARD space” CEO presented CEOS Analysis Ready Data for Land on behalf of LSI-VC Initial response: CARD4L framework relevant, but not at the core of workshop objectives Workshop provided a forum to share information on what organisations were doing on “ARD” Detail on Issues preventing interoperability Atmospheric corrections Geometric corrections Reference datasets (grids, DEMs, etc) CARD4L framework is “high level”
Not an exhaustive list ...
Takeaways/talking points Substantial interest and energy being put into simple, interoperable satellite data by the private/nonprofit sector. Different motivations, but broad interest CalVal/Data quality collaboration with a bootstrapping approach. Ensure the sector benefits from 40 years of CalVal experience in SAs Specific Cal/Val and harmonisation (RadCalNet, ASIXS, etc.) exercises between institutional and private constellation operators. Need to ensure relevance of CalVal and ARD approaches for small/nanosat community Role of institutional actors. Growing commercial land surface imaging sector good for SAs ARD is a game-changer for application of large scale Machine Learning approaches to satellite imagery.