Bibliography Cards Step 1 in Research
Why do we have to do these? Bib cards have two purposes: Record all of the facts needed to find the reference in the library (in case you need to find it again) Record facts needed to create the final works cited page
Okay, well… I’ve found a book. Now what? Information you’ll need from the book: complete name(s) of the author(s) complete title of the book, including any subtitles city of publication (give only the first city if more than one city is listed) name of the publisher year of publication (give the earliest year if more than one year is listed)
So, now what do I do? The information will be recorded using this lovely little formula: Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Name of Publisher, Year of Publication. Print.
What is it supposed to look like?
I’ve found a magazine article. How do I do this one? Information you’ll need from the article: Author Title of the article Name of magazine or journal Date of magazine or journal Page number(s) Location of magazine (library, personal collection)
What does that MLA citation thingy look like for this one? Take the information you gathered from the last slide and stick it in this formula: Last name, First name. “Article Title.” Periodical Title. Date of Publication: page number. Print.
Show me how it should look.
What about this website? Information to gather: Author Title of article (if there is one) Name of website Date of last update (usually found at the bottom) Date of access (what day did you look at it?)
How do I write it? Plug the information into this MLA citation formula: Last name, First name. “Article Title.” Title of Resource. Date of publication. Date of access. Web.
That very neat visual example for this one too, please.
Some other things you need to know: A fresh, new, bright, and shiny bib card needs to be filled out for EVERY SOURCE YOU USE. Must be done in PEN!! Make sure you put the source number in the top right corner of your bib card. What is the source number? The source number is the number of source you are on. If you’ve used a book (source #1) and you’re working on a magazine now, you’re on source #2. Your internet source will be # 3, etc…
Notecards Part 2 of Research
Required information on your notecard Source number in top right Initials in top left Topic of card Quote, summary, or paraphrase on the card Page number of information in bottom right (if applicable)
3 options for your notecard Quote: a specific quote straight from your source. This requires “ ” Paraphrase: a summary of information in 1 or 2 sentences Summarize: a summary of information in many detailed sentences
Let’s start with what it looks like…
#1 Topic The title for the kind of information on the card. The card topic is a name that you make up yourself. Think of it as the title, or main idea of the card.
So how do I make one? After writing down the information, figure out how you could briefly categorize, or title it. For example, if you are writing a paper on the life and works of the poet, Langston Hughes, you may have cards with topics such as: Hughes' upbringing Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance Hughes' influences Hughes' poetry Hughes' political beliefs Hughes' influence on America
#3: Paraphrased Information It is helpful to paraphrase or summarize your research on the index cards while you are taking notes. If you are consistent in paraphrasing at this stage, then you will be certain not to accidentally plagiarize someone else's work. You will also have less work to do when you are actually writing the paper.
#4: Page Numbers It is important to be accurate with the page numbers on your note cards, as you will need them for citations throughout your research paper.
#2: Source Number The source title is the name of the book, magazine, web site, etc., in which you found the information. In the example, the source was given a number, instead of writing out the entire title. You could write out the title on each card , or simply list your sources on a separate sheet of paper