A programming language Review is a structured combination of data and instructions that is used to operate a computer. A computer program is the set of instructions, data, and rules that can be used to construct a program. A programming language * *
Review is the process of using a programming language to produce a computer program. Programming is a step-by-step sequence of instructions that describes how a task is to be performed. An algorithm * *
Review is a description of an algorithm using short English-like statements. Pseudocode A flowchart is a description of an algorithm that uses specifically defined graphical symbols. * *
Review is a logically consistent set of instructions that produce a specific result. A procedure *
Review defines a general set of data and procedural characteristics from which specific objects are created. A class is a self-contained unit that consists of both data and the specific procedures that can be applied to the data. An object * *
Review consists of the program statements comprising a C++ or other programming language program. A source program is the result of compiling a source program. An object program * *
Review is a program that can be run by a computer. An executable program Linking adds code from libraries to your file. Collects the object code from all files in the workspace and puts them into one executable program. * *
Review A compiler is a program that translates a source program into an object program. is a program that translates individual source program statements, one at a time, into executable statements. Each statement is executed immediately after translation. An interpreter * *
Review contain constant, variable, and function declarations needed by a program. h files *
Review are formatting instructions that are part of iostream.h. \n º endl = hard return \t = tab Escape sequences *
Review controls the sequence of execution, evaluates an expression, or does nothing, and ends with a semicolon. Statement *
object code from other source files Review (.cpp file) source code compiler (.obj file) object code h files linked to libraries exe. file object code from other source files