INEKO experience in running internet portals evaluating Slovak schools and hospitals Peter Golias INEKO Director January 30, 2015 Brussels, Conference on integrating service user & workforce involvement in public services
INEKO portals Education (2012): Health care (2014): Starting points, ideas behind: Need for higher quality and efficiency of public services „You cannot manage what you do not measure“ Money should follow quality and efficiency Need for better information available to the public Existing but hidden/unavailable data Increasing computer power enabling processing of big data
Goals Attract public attention to discussion about quality and efficiency of schools and hospitals Inform public about how different schools and hospitals meet selected quality & efficiency indicators Through better information (and subsequent choice of providers) increase public pressure on improving quality & efficiency of schools and hospitals
Indicators Primary and secondary schools: Hospitals: Standardized tests results Unemployment rate (only for secondary) Exceptional results (e.g. in national competitions) Other: State inspection, teacher/pupil ratio, etc. Hospitals: Patient opinion (from surveys) Patient complaints Official quality indicators (e.g. mortality, waiting lines) Other: Financial health, transparency, etc.
Target groups & Experience Consumers (parents, students, patients) Journalists Providers (schools, hospitals) Policy makers and regulators Experience: Publishing data helps to improve their quality State is often reluctant to cooperate (conflict of interest, mistaken data) Many providers do not like to be evaluated There is much room for improvement of data and methodology
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