Google Education in a primary school Neil Thompson Hambridge Primary School
The typical scenario ICT focused around laptops and iPads Children are always engaged whenever the ICT comes out However we were limited by the capabilities of our ICT. Laptops were old Didn’t hold charge Saving work was difficult Ipad storage was full Ipads not updated so apps didn’t work Everything was old. Finding the ICT is a challenge.
Enter the Google Chrome books As part of the trial we were given a class set of Chrome books They presented their own set of problems Everyone wanted to use them! Every child needed an individual login. Google logins lasted a week!
The focus We placed the in focus on English and engaging boys in writing. I wanted to see if using tech would have an impact on The pupils (especially boys) attitudes towards writing with particular focus on their confidence to share and collaborate Their ability to transfer their skills
Baselines How willing are you to write a story/extended piece of writing? 64% said they were willing to write – the 36% were boys! How willing are you to share your writing with others and work together on it? 27% (8 children) were willing to share their work
Using Google Classroom Introduced opportunities to use google classroom as much as possible Across the curriculum We began to explore other ICT eg green screening, podcasting, avatar creation to hook children into a purpose.
The impact How willing are you to write a story/extended piece of writing? It was 64% 92%
How willing are you to share your writing with others and work together on it? 27% 66%
What the children have said Its easier Automatic saving is amazing Having your own login means I can access work at home Typing up really helps with my spellings
What now? Gradual roll out across the school. Encouraging the use of other forms of ICT to engage and promote writing Increased opportunities to collaborate on writing across the curriculum Developing a fully rounded and comprehensive curriculum that is underpinned by ICT.