“It’s about the children” Caring Respectful Co-operative Vision For 2018/19 “It’s about the children” Caring Respectful Co-operative
What Outcomes Did We Achieve 17-18? All Y6 attainment improved, in line with national average and above national in reading RWM 2017-55%, 2018-63% Y2 attainment improved on last year in each subject RWM 2017-57% 2018-61% Progress measures KS1-KS2 are in the average band
What did you say? 166 Reports slips returned 108 had comments 105 positive (97.2%) 3 negative 2 asked why children had not met expectations and what could they do to help 1 had a missing mark on the report
Parents Comments “Thank you for creating an atmosphere in which her imagination has been allowed to develop.” “The mixed age class for two years has been a really positive experience for her and she has benefitted greatly.” “He has grown into a strong, confident boy so quickly with your guidance and motivation.” “The teaching assistants are so valuable in supporting the children’s learning.” “She would love to come back to Broadstone in the future to help inspire younger pupils”
Good Classroom Practice Good questioning skills in a range of lessons catering for all, from more able to SEND Good demonstration from teachers Individual feedback to pupils during the lesson High levels of pupil engagement and good learning behaviours Good use of resources to scaffold and support work Correction of misconceptions for individuals, groups and whole class Opportunities for pupils to demonstrate their understanding Support staff used appropriately and effectively Good use of real life learning and problem solving Linked consistent learning opportunities across year groups Opportunities for pupils to choose level of challenge
Areas to Develop Less teacher talk, more pupil talk = pupils more engaged in learning Concentration span- be mindful of pupils being passive for too long Talk partners needs to be modelled for it to be more effective Resources to support co-operative learning need to be used Pictures, storyboards, key words, text and other stimulus Challenge for more able pupils, particularly in maths
Broadstone Hall 18-19
Teaching & Learning 1. Correct Level of Challenge 2. Effective Feedback 3. Opportunities for Deeper Thinking Engaging Lessons with Purpose Assessment For Learning Collaborative learning opportunities Growth Mindset Ofsted Targets Austin’s Butterfly
Curriculum Central Long Term Plan Review 18-19 Engaging, Purposeful and Relevant Curriculum Ofsted Focus: Broad Curriculum Core Skills Practice through core and foundation subjects Consistency of expectation and approach across year groups Equality of opportunity for pupils Wider Opportunities
Behaviour “Ready for Learning” Responsibility of all staff and pupils We need parents’ support Praise and reward for good behaviour High Expectations Restorative Approach Opportunities to learn self-help strategies Consequence for negative behaviour Nurture and Support for those with high social and emotional needs Negative impact on other children’s learning is not acceptable
Health and Safety
Health & Safety Safe and Secure Learning Environment Investment in school buildings LA has match funded our financial outlay Practice , Policy and Procedures in place Medical Conditions policy and training in place Critical Incident policy and practice development 2018-19
Wellbeing For children, ready to learn and enjoy school PHSE/Circle Time, assemblies, nurture groups, daily practice For staff, able to cope with demands of role For parents, advice, help and support Designated member of staff is Mrs Wager
What you can do to help Read the website Log on to school spider Follow us on twitter Join and volunteer for Friends of Broadstone Come to our meetings, open afternoons and curriculum mornings Attend our FOB events Support your children Support us in supporting your children Be caring, respectful and co-operative members of our school community
At School, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up? I said “HAPPY.” They told me I didn’t understand the question. I told them that they didn’t understand LIFE.