CYDL Project One Symposium Justice and Corrections Systems Experiences of Albertan Youth Christine Werk, PhD October 1, 2012
CYDL Overview The CYDL is a research facility that links and analyzes administrative data from five child- and youth-serving ministries in Alberta The data are anonymous and population-wide The research results make unique contributions to the knowledge base, and can be used for integrated policy and program development and evaluation A key outcome of CYDL’s work is to inspire further policy-relevant research Slide 2
Project One Overview Data were from a single year (2008/09) 713,830 youth aged 12 to 24 years were included in the analyses Data came from 10 databases held by 5 ministries Several key indicators were available for each youth: age gender region of residence socio-economic status mental health status educational achievement health service use Other indicators were database-specific Within- and cross-ministry analyses were carried out Slide 3
Context Justice and Solicitor General Process Justice: courts Solicitor General: police and correction services Process Police contact, charge(s), extrajudicial sanctions, remand, trial, sentencing (custody and/or community), probation Slide 4
Context Risk factors Being male, older, low SES, poor school engagement/performance, early aggression, family problems, peer problems, mental health Slide 5
Context Protective factors High SES, staying in school/good performance, positive social attitudes, social and problem solving skills, family strengths, and absence of substance abuse Slide 6
Population Description 307,703 aged 12 to 17 years and living in Alberta in 2008/09 6,311 (2.1%) were charged with an offence 5,178 (1.7%) were involved in corrections Slide 7
Number of Charges Slide 8
Corrections Involvement Slide 9
Age- Number of charges Slide 10
Gender- Number of charges Slide 11
Type of corrections involvement Gender- Type of corrections involvement Slide 12
Socio-economic Status- Number of charges Slide 13
Socio-economic Status- Type of corrections involvement Slide 14
Educational Achievement- Number of charges Slide 15
Educational Achievement- Type of corrections involvement Slide 16
Mental Health Status- Number of charges Slide 17
Mental Health Condition- Type of corrections involvement Slide 18
Health Service Use- Number of charges Slide 19
Type of Hospital Service- Cross-service use Slide 20
Intervention Services- Cross-service use Slide 21
Population Description- Aboriginal Status 5,178 youth aged 12 to 17 years were involved in corrections in Alberta in 2008/09 1,257 (24%) were Aboriginal 3921 (76%) were non-Aboriginal Slide 22
Aboriginal Status Slide 23
Socio-economic Status Slide 24
Educational Achievement Slide 25
Mental Health Status Slide 26
Intervention Services Slide 27
Summary Youth with risk factors were more likely to have charges or be involved in corrections Aboriginal youth were more likely to experience these risk factors Slide 28
Acknowledgements Slide 29
Discussion Questions: Session A Do you have further questions related to these project findings? Are there data from the presentation that you find surprising or contrary to your perceptions? Why? What might these findings mean for specific populations that your ministry serves? Elaborating on the above, what implications or potential for policy or program improvements do you see arising from this presentation? Are there findings that you think might not tell the whole story? Do you think there are data that may require more context?
Discussion Questions: Session B How do you think things may have changed since these results from 2008/2009? Are you aware of ways that your Ministry has been addressing some of the less favorable findings discussed in this presentation? Please share with the group. Please share some of the emerging and persistent issues that you face in your policy, program, or service delivery area. Which of these may relate to issues for other ministries as well? Do you see opportunity for additional analysis that may help address these? What else do you need to know? Elaborating on the above, what ideas for further research or questions would you like to see explored in future projects?