Procurement Planning Mani Ram Gelal 2018
Procurement Planning Steps and Options Process of acquiring goods and services, to attain the project scope, from outside the performing organization Procurement Planning Steps and Options What is needed? When it is to be done? How it is to be done? What resources are required?
Procurement Planning : Steps and Options What is needed? When it is to be done? How it is to be done? What resources are required? Procurement Plan to be Prepared A Public Entity shall, in making procurement valued at an amount in excess of the prescribed limit, have to prepare a master procurement plan and annual procurement plan, as prescribed.
Procurement Planning A Public Entity shall establish a procurement Division, Branch and or unit or assign the responsibilities thereof in order to carry out the following acts: Preparing a procurement plan, Preparing prequalification documents, bidding documents and procurement contract related documents by making necessary amendments in the standard bidding documents, standard prequalification documents and standard procurement contract documents prepared by the Public Procurement Monitoring Office, Preparing documents relating to proposals for consultancy services by making necessary modification in the standard request for proposal prepared by the Public Procurement Monitoring Office,
Procurement Planning Publicly publishing the procurement notice, Issuing pre-qualification documents, bidding documents or 8 forwarding documents relating to proposals for consultancy service, (f) Receiving and safely keeping pre-qualification proposals, bids or consultancy service proposals, Submitting the pre-qualification proposals, bids or consultancy service proposals to the evaluation committee for evaluation and submit the evaluated bids for acceptance, Notifying the acceptance of the pre-qualification proposals, bids or consultancy service proposals,
Procurement Planning Notifying the acceptance of the pre-qualification proposals, bids or consultancy service proposals, Obtaining, examining and safely keeping the performance guarantee, Examining, or causing to be examined, the quality standards of the goods, construction works or services that have been procured, Making available the information and documents asked for by the Public Procurement Monitoring Office, and Performing other functions as may be prescribed. (4) In carrying out or causing to be carried out the functions as referred to in Sub-section (3), the Procurement Unit or the unit to which responsibility thereof has been assigned shall carry out the same with the approval of the chief of the concerned Public Entity,
Procurement Planning Description of services needed Cost estimate Multi-year/ Annual Method of procurement Dates for Notice publication, Bid Submission, Evaluation of bids, Award of Contract Concurrence/Approval Start and finish dates of contract
Procurement Cycle Identify procurement needs Understand procurement planning Prepare procurement plans Run the procurement exercise Manage the contract Contract review
Procurement Cycle Identification of procurement needs Define Specifications, Market review Prepare cost estimate, Packaging select Procurement approach Procurement document preparation and Distribution Bidder Selection Bid Evaluation Contract Award Manage Contract Contract Review
Process of Procurement of Goods and Works Preparation of Bidding Doc. and Bid Evaluation Criteria # Preparation of Pre-qualification (PQ) Doc. and PQ Evaluation Criteria # Invitation to Bid Invitation for PQ Issue of Bidding Doc. Issue of PQ Application. Submission of Bids Receive PQ Application Post-Qualification (if no PQ) Bid Evaluation # PQ Evaluation # Contract Award # 10
Process of Employment of Consultants Preparation of TOR, Invitation of EOI and Short-List Distribution of Request for Proposals (RFP) Receive Proposals Evaluation of Proposal Contract Negotiation Contract
Procurement Process Publishing Notice Distribution of bid documents Handling queries Receiving Bids/Proposals Qualification of Bidders/service providers Evaluation Award recommendation Bid Protest and review Contract Award
Procurement Planning: Slices and Packages Splitting packages Grouping Appropriate procurement methods
Procurement Planning : Works Key things to be considered Prevalent conditions Capacity of Contractors and availability Cost Competition Completion date
Procurement Planning : Goods Key things to be considered Availability Quality Cost , Budget Types Competition Urgency
Procurement Planning : Services Key things to be considered Nature of service: Complexity Capacity of Consultants and availability Cost
Procurement Methods Works and Goods ICB NCB LIB Users’ committee Force accounts Sealed quotation Direct purchase Consulting Services QCBS QBS LCS FBS SSS CQS
Items Lot Package Packaging Item 2 Item 3 Item 1 Item …. Item 1 Item 2
Packaging Splitting into small packages Capacity Opportunity Grouping into large procurement package Economies of scale Management
Procurement Scheduling List of objects to be acquired under a project / programme and categorize in to Works Goods Consulting Services Other Services Time scale and target dates when such goods and services be ready for use Estimate, bidding document, notice-bid response, evaluation, approval, maturity, bid protest, award, delivery period Determine procurement lead time for each package and estimate the target dates for each event in the procurement process Prepare a schedule in an understandable form Set output indicators to monitor the progress
Procurement Plan: Sample Format Goods/Works
Procurement Plan: Sample Format Services
Procurement Planning : Advertisement Procurement opportunities Invitation for Pre-Qualification Invitation for bid Invitation for EOI Request for Proposals National daily Newspaper Invitation for Bid/PQ National and International Media International competitive bidding Website For central level organization (CLO) Website of CLO or PPMO For District level organization (DLO) Web site of the DLO or PPMO
Procurement Planning : Advertisement Notice Period At least 30 days for NCB At least 45 days for ICB At least 15 days for Sealed Quotation (in local news paper) At least 15 days for EOI At least 30 days for submitting proposals
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