© Paul Burns Macmillan Education
Market segments and value propositions Phase 2 Market segments and value propositions Target market segment(s) Value proposition(s) Customer relationships / Branding Marketing plan Marketing mix Pricing Channels Communications Resources Scalability Capital available: Human, social & financial Operations plan Capital needed: Human, social & financial Risks Partnerships Key activities / Critical success factors / Strategic options Financial plan Sales, costs & profit Breakeven Cash flow Balance sheet © Paul Burns Macmillan Education
Market segments and value propositions Target market segment(s) (Insert text here) Value proposition(s) (Insert text here) Market segments and value propositions Target market segment(s) Value proposition(s) Customer relationships / Branding (Insert text here) Customer relationships / Branding Marketing mix, Pricing, Channels, Communications (Insert text here) Marketing plan Capital available: Human, social & financial (Insert text here) Marketing mix Pricing Channels Communications Scalability (Insert text here) Resources Scalability Risks (Insert text here) Capital available: Human, social & financial Partnerships (Insert text here) Capital needed: Human, social & financial (Insert text here) Operations plan Capital needed: Human, social & financial Risks Partnerships Key activities / Critical success factors / Strategic options (Insert text here) Key activities / Critical success factors / Strategic options Sales, costs & profit (Insert text here) Breakeven (Insert text here) Financial plan Cash flow (Insert text here) Balance sheet (Insert text here) Sales, costs & profit Breakeven Balance sheet © Paul Burns Macmillan Education Pin photo: iStockphoto/ talipcubukcu Cash flow