XMBTM Product 10 Gbps Backplane using Multiwire ® Technology February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC
The System Environment Backplane Ingress Line Cards Switch Card Egress Line Cards System Cabinet The number of ingress line cards and their optical capacity continues to increase the volume of data to the switch card. Backplane channel capacity must also increase. February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC
Backplane Channel Capacity Each line card requires two differential pairs (In/Out). For 16 cards with 100 Gbps capacity, 1,280 ,2.5 Gbps differential paired channels are required. Greater channel bandwidth is necessary. Difficult to achieve with conventional PCB technology. February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC
Insertion Loss (Attenuation) At high frequencies, a wave loses energy in several ways: The resistance of the conductor is small , but can be significant over long lengths and will produce heat. The dielectric may cause loss; it’s resistance is high, but not infinite and some energy is lost The electromagnetic energy radiates at high frequencies; significant energy losses are possible as the conductor acts like an antenna. Energy is reflected due to impedance mismatches or discontinuities. February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC
The Attenuated Signal Ideal Waveform Skin Effect Bandwidth Limit Low Loss Line Noise Effect Lossy Line Normalized Voltage Threshold Time In Nanoseconds Degradation in risetime coupled with jittery edge timing will limit channel capacity. February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC
XMB Multiwire Backplanes The goal of XMB technology is to build backplanes that are able to support serial line rates of 10Gbps and are interoperable with the 10Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface (XAUI). February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC
XMB Performance Specification IEEE 802.3ae is the 10 Gigabit XAUI standard and provides relevant performance criteria. The parameters that may be used to evaluate the relative merits of any digital interconnect performance are signal loss, timing jitter and BER. Signal Loss: No more than 14 dB total loss. Jitter: No more than 25% of Unit Interval (UI) Jitter: Bit Error Rate (BER): no greater than 10-12 February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC
XMB Performance Signal Loss: Test data from trial traces is acceptable at 14 dB loss. February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC
XMB Performance Unit Interval (UI) Channel 7 10.7 GHz XAUI Requirement : Maximum Value J p-p < 0.35 UI to achieve 10 -12 BER Unit Interval (UI) Channel 7 93 ps 10.7 GHz J p-p = 18.22 ps (0.18 UI) February 24, 2019 PCKTECHNOLOGYINC