English Ruler Flow Chart Elizabeth Tudor - The daughter of Henry the VIII and Anne Boelyn. - The last Tudor dynasty James I The beginning of the Stuart Dynasty Believed in divine right of kings Charles I ( James I son) Protested the petition of rights Tried to add more rituals to church services Charles the II A Stuart king though gave parliament some power The Restoration James II A Catholic Favored Catholics Not supported by parliament Oliver Cromwell Helped over throw the king during civil war He then ruled as a dictator English Ruler Flow Chart Notes: When William & Mary marched got to England with their army James the II and his family fled which meant that they had caused a revolution with out blood shed. This will be known as the Glorious revolution. William and Mary will then rule once they agree on the English bill of rights. - This ends most of the power struggle between monarchy and Parliament William and Mary He was a Dutch ruler who married Mary , the daughter of James II They were asked to take over.