Spelling Words TEST ON FRIDAY Contact Us Conference Time: M-W,F 12:15-1:05 Phone: (903) 737-7458 FB Page: Justiss 1st Grade Crew laura.chesshire@parisisd.net (ELAR/Writing) kimmy.rhodes@parisisd.net (Math/Science/Social Studies) 1st Grade Crew News Oct 15-19, 2018 yytyt A Note From Your Captains *Our class is selling bottled water and flavor packets for $1.00. *FALL FESTIVAL IS THIS THURSDAY! Come support 1st grade by playing putt-putt and bean bag toss! *Come out to Family Reading Night to rack up those AR points on Wednesdays. 18- Fall Festival 5pm 19- End of 1st 9 weeks 23- Open House & Report Card Pick-Up 4-6pm 25- Hispanic Heritage Program 9am 29-Nov. 2 Book Fair! 30- 1st Grade Program 9am and 6pm 31- Pumpkin Day activities, wear orange! Please send $10 for fall field trips by: November 1st *Rise Up Assembly every Friday at 7:30am *Family Reading Night every Wednesday 4-6pm in the library. Anchored in Learning v Reading & Phonics Writing Math Science Social Studies Reading skill: summarizing, main idea, and details in stories. Comprehension Story: Animal Moms and Dads Phonics: Recognizing digraph th, ng, and Suffix -ing and -ed and long /e/ with digraph “ee”. Students will write sentences using proper mechanics (capital letter, finger spaces, punctuation) Grammar: using nouns when writing a sentence/story. Students will identify addition facts adding by zero. Students will cover a design in different ways. Students will count to 100 by 10’s. Students will practice subtraction facts subtracting 1. Students will explore how magnets make some things move and why other objects do not move. . Students will discuss where they live and identify the location on a map. Spelling Words TEST ON FRIDAY HFW: you your color what hot, ran, be, fast, if, has, he, hand, his, got, *said *the Dictation Sentence: It ran so fast.