MaineHousing’s Homeless Initiatives Academy & Launchpad
What is the “Launchpad”? An easily accessed webpage on the MaineHousing website. A home for all Homeless Initiative resources and links. Important program specific documents Training resources Helpdesk emails Frequently used websites
What is the “Academy”? The “Academy” is a online learning platform hosted on a site called Canvas. It is easily accessed and currently available for HMIS users and ESHAP participants. A space to access training where and when YOU need it.
Why Change? Consistency Accessibility Learner Convenience, Comfort, & Control Relevance Efficiency
Shelter/Program Benefits Assist with staff turnover training. Ability for staff to go back and review the materials as needed. 24/7 access for 24/7 programs! Works for a wide variety of learning styles by incorporating listening, watching, reading, and in some cases hands on practicing.
I’m on board! Now what? Invitation Only Training Request Form to: Requester will receive an invitation email from Canvas asking them to create an account. Access!
Let Me See This One Stop Shopping Experience Launchpad Canvas
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