Bell Ringer.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer How do you feel about the wealth of the royal family? Should royalty have lots of money when their people have none? Look at the pictures above. How would you feel if your leader was living in that palace but you didn’t have enough money to buy food or stay warm in the winter?

Based on the “Main Idea” what led to the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon? Economic and political unrest

By the summer of 1789, the French people had not benefited from the Industrial Revolution Harvests were poor and prices were high On July 14 1789, the mobs attacked the Bastille This action started the French Revolution

Roots of the Revolution France was made of three classes The First Estate-made up of clergy The Second Estate-nobility or aristocrats The Third Estate-everyone from merchants to peasants Unrest in the Third Estate They paid most of the taxes Had no voice in government Called for change Were influenced by the enlightenment Enlightenment was the movement that stressed the rights of individuals

What did the document guarantee? In May 1789, the Third Estate demanded reforms-the king of France King Louis XVI refused The Third Estate formed the National Assembly-this assembly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen What did the document guarantee? Liberty, equality, and property of citizens

The assembly tried to form a new government where Louis would share power with an elected legislature-he refused

The Radicals Take Over

The Jacobins A group of radicals who took power Formed the National Convention Executed Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

The violence got worse Jacobin leader Maximilien Robespierre led the Reign of Terror The Jacobins used a machine called the guillotine to cut off the heads of an estimated 40,000 people In July 1794, the French finally turned on Robespierre and executed him

Napoleon’s Rise Why was France Exhausted? Who was Napoleon? France was at war with Prussia, Austria, and Britain The government was not ruling successfully Who was Napoleon? A young general who overthrew the French government What did Emperor Napoleon I do? Declared himself Emperor Napoleon I and conquered other European powers Britain and Prussia defeated him in 1815

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