Hallway PBIS
Are Prepared Know and go directly to your destination Have your hall pass
Act Responsibly Walk quietly Keep hands and feet to yourself 2nd block from the wall Face forward
Work as a Team Pick up trash Stay in a single file line Stay quiet
Show Respect Walk on the right Hold the door for others
Video <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZPU3UBpHJ98" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Activities for Students Watch and discuss video (you can use this one or find others on gaggle tube). Model and practice how to walk in the hallway (as often as necessary – you may need to review this periodically and practice for several days) Remind students of hallway expectations just before leaving the classroom, especially during the first few weeks of school. Be sure students know and understand the expectations. Acknowledge students for behaving correctly.
More Activities for Students Provide students with scenarios. Have them discuss the good and bad aspects of each scenario. Students can make posters or bookmarks restating the expectations from the matrix. Provide non-examples that are close to expected behaviors. Discuss the problems with the non-examples and how to correct them. If needed, give students extra opportunities to practice walking in the hallway. Make a PBIS bulletin board (or poster) with student made materials about the PBIS matrix information.