The Fall of the Roman Empire to Enter of the Dark Ages
What do we know happened to the Roman Empire
The Break up of the Empire - Constantinople and eastern half strengthen - Rome and the western half weaken
Problems in Rome Internal Problems 1. Civil War 2. Wealth escaping to the east 3. No strong leaders
Problems Continued Invaders The Huns - Drove tribes from Asia into the Roman Empire (like the Visigoths)
Visigoths Asked Romans for protection from the Huns Romans treated them terribly Visigoths rebel and defeat main Roman army at Battle of Adrianople Capture Rome in 410 A.D., loot and burn the city
Winter of 406 A.D. The Rhine river freezes and many different Germanic tribes pour into Roman land
The Vandals In AD. 455 for 12 days they loot and destroy everything valuable in Rome
476 A.D The historical end date for the Roman Empire Last Roman Emperor deposed (Romulus Augustus and Rome is ruled by Germans: In the East the remains of the empire survives as the Byzantine Empire centered in Constantinople
After the Fall of Rome: The Dark Ages No strong central authority Unlawfulness across Europe Disintegration of education More Invaders that are attacking the previous invaders
Short list of some of the major invaders o Ostrogoths o Visigoths 400-600 A.D o Huns o Angles o Saxons o Vandals o Franks 600-800 A.D o Magyars o Muslims 800-1100 A.D Vikings