Vocabulary Assimilation – a smaller group being absorbed into a larger group. The smaller group takes on the way of life of the larger group Dawes Act – passed in 1887 – intended to “Americanize” the Native Americans by giving Indian leaders land and encouraging them to farm Battle of Wounded Knee – last of the battles between US and Indians. US massacred Indians Homestead Act – passed in 1862 – gave 160 acres of land to settlers. If they showed possession for 5 years it would be theirs forever. Encouraged westward settlement Exoduster–former slaves that got free land in Kansas
Vocabulary Populist Party – a political party formed in the late 1800s by farmers. They were later joined by laborers. Populists wanted the people to have a bigger voice in the government. Bimetallism – Backing money by gold and silver. Would cause inflation. Biggest demand of populist. Bessemer Process – removing the impurities out of iron to make steel. Had a major impact on industries Laissez-Faire – “hands-off” - no government regulations on businesses Social Darwinism – survival of the fittest business – resulted in many monopolies Monopoly- one business that controls all the economic activity in a market. – limits competition
What do you think? 1. Why was the destruction of the buffalo so detrimental to the Native American way of life? 2. Why did the settlers push to settle in the West? 3. What do you think the US government did to encourage settlement in the West?
What time period are we talking about? 1800s Nineteenth Century
Who is moving? Exodusters Others Former Slaves that… Civil War Vets Convicts Railroad Workers Unemployed
PULL FACTORS Why are they moving? Jobs in the West Federal Land Grants Mining Farming/Ranching Open Range Federal Land Grants Homestead Act Morrill Land Grant PULL FACTORS
How are they moving? Covered Wagon Railroads Pacific Railway Act (Lincoln) Transcontinental Railroad Union Pacific / Central Pacific
Settlers’ life Self-sufficient
How did movement affect the makeup of the United States? Geography Boom/Ghost Towns Barbed Wire Great Plains Native Americans Treaty of Fort Laramie Massacre at Wounded Knee Wovaka – Ghost Dance Dawes Act / Assimilation
Carlisle School Of Learning
African Americans 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment
CLOSING THE FRONTIER General Washburn Oklahoma Land Rush
Populist Party People’s Party Populist
Populism Platform Bimetallism Sherman Silver Purchase Act (add to outline) William Jennings Bryan The Wizard of Oz
Vocabulary Transcontinental Railroad – completed in 1869 when it connected in Promontory, Utah. It linked our country east to west. Interstate Commerce Act – passed in 1887 to create a commission to regulate the railroads Sherman Anti-Trust Act - ;passed in 1890 to limit certain types of monopolies. Arbitration – settling a dispute by using a third party Labor Unions – organizations formed by workers to fight for better pay, hours and conditions – among other demands
What is Industrialization? What makes it possible? Materials People Workers and Entrepreneurs Where was the main US industrial region?
Key Players – Captains of Industry Edwin Drake Henry Bessemer Andrew Carnegie Horizontal Vertical John Rockefeller
Economic Philosophies Laissez Faire Capitalism Socialism Social Darwinism Gospel of Wealth Reform Darwinism
Laissez-Faire To let do… . No government influence in economics Means that there are no laws on businesses!!! “Hands Off”
Capitalism Private Ownership of Business Little government regulations on busiesses YOU decide what you will do What we have in the US
Socialism Total government control of economy No free enterprise Usually associated with communism
Gospel of Wealth Andrew Carnegie It is ok to make a lot of money as long as you give back to society
Social Darwinism What is “Darwinism”? How does this relate to society? SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST BUSINESS The strong take over the weak
Reform Darwinism Darwinism – just different Instead of competition you work together for success of all Cooperation!!!
Tariffs High Low
Led to: Monopolies Trusts Robber Barons Corruption Consolidation of Railroads Trusts Robber Barons Corruption The Credit Mobilier Interstate Commerce Act created the… Interstate Commerce Commission Sherman Anti Trust Act Panic of 1893 Stanford and the Big Four Vanderbilt James J. Hill CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY
How did industrialization affect society? Population shift Rural to Urban Isolation and ideas Inventions Telephone Light Bulb Ice Machine Standard Sizes Leisure Time
Labor Unions Need for Unions Local Unions Working conditions Salaries .27 – 14 hour day – child $267 a year – woman $498 a year – man $23 million Local Unions
Two types of Unions Trade Unions – Craft Unions Industrial Unions American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers Industrial Unions Industrial Workers of the World Eugene V. Debs
National Labor Union Knights of Labor Arbitration
Strikes Haymarket Affair Effect Pullman Strike
Women Organize Mary Harris Jones Garment Workers Union Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Results