Wrt 105: practices of academic writing Dr. Rusty Bartels Friday, September 7th, 2018 Week 2, Day 2
Overview Overview & Attendance Freewrite STUDIO! Wrap-up I’ve started grading the first Reading Response. My goal is to have those completed by the time you submit Assignment 1. Because of how the assignment is submitted, some of you will be seeing your feedback before others. Right now I’m going through section by section, and I will vary the section order as I grade future assignments.
Freewrite What are some of your literacies? Have you started to think about what you might write about? If so, what and why? What goals do you have for class today? What kind of work do you hope to get done? Check-in with your neighbor. If you have goals, articulate them now.
STUDIO! Image Description: Dory and Nemo from Finding Nemo looking at each other, with white font in all caps saying: just keep writing just keep writing just keep writing, writing, writing what do we do? We write NB: writing is more than crafting prose. Writing is a process, and any journaling, freewriting, note-taking, and recollecting you do today is part of your writing process.
Freewrite What did you get done? What, if any, decisions did you make? How do you feel about the work you did? What goals do you have – what do you hope to have done – by the time we do our next Workshop on Wednesday? Check-in with your neighbor If you’ve set future goals for yourself, articulate them now.
Wrap-up Today we: Studio time! Reflected on our current status, and began reflecting on project goals Next time: Reading: Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN) Do not try to read everything – there is too much! Browse the website, look at how it’s organized, and pick at least 3 narratives to read, review, and reflect on Think of these as potential examples to inform your own approach to your literacy narrative