Practice Teachers Your voice matters! NISCC Review of the Degree in Social Work NI ‘We are all social work educators’ Practice Teachers Your voice matters!
Welcome, today we will… Tell you about the Review of the Degree Hear from your the Degree in Social work What was good about it and what would you change? Your ideas about what we need to do to ‘future proof’ social work education?
5 Year Review of Degree in SW
Project Team Roslyn Jan Alexis Joanne Joanne Alexis, Roslyn, Jan, Joanne L, Barbara, Gerry, Trish, Kerry, Joanne S, Catherine
Time to hear from you…. Live poll
Time to her from you! Based on you experience as a Practice Teacher or on-site what do you consider to be the important; 1. Strengths 2. Gaps of the Degree content and curriculum in preparing Social Work students for practice? Think about what is taught in Universities/colleges and on Practice Learning
Time to her from you! Based on you experience as a Practice Teacher or on-site what do you consider to be the; Strengths Challenges of the partnership arrangements in Northern Ireland Are they effective, efficient and do they support improvement?
What else is not included that you think should be? A review of social work education by the Scottish Social Services Council defined ‘future skills’ for social work with reference to thinking on digital literacies and social media skills. They also focussed on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. How relevant do you think these skills are to the future of social work education and practice in NI? What else is not included that you think should be?
Thank You! The future of social work is what we make it, so lets make it a good one!