8th Grade Savannah Field Trip
When do we go? May 13-15, 2016 Friday morning through Sunday afternoon
Who gets to go? 80 students Must be passing ALL classes Must not have more than one (1) assignment to ISS or isolation for disciplinary reasons; Cannot have ANY suspensions Must not miss ANY class more than 8 times—absences and/or tardies included
How much is it? $385.00 plus food expenses Broken down in monthly payments of $55 Refunds available through March if your schedule changes
Where do we stay? At the Savannah Hyatt on River Street
What do we do? Friday afternoon—visit Historic Ft. Jackson Friday evening—enjoy River Street
Saturday is busy!! Saturday morning—Historic Savannah carriage ride Saturday lunch—River Street or City Market
Saturday afternoon—Tybee Island Tybee Lighthouse Tybee Beach Party Ft. Pulaski
Saturday Night River Street Riverboat Cruise (No parents!!) Sunday—Sleep on the way home!!
Parent Chaperones Required to have one parent chaperone in each hotel room with students Moms with girls/Dads with boys Parent, their child, and two friends (4) Must have a valid background check on file with Buford City Schools at Central Office
More Chaperone Info Cost--$100 Must provide own transportation/ Covers room costs and tours Must provide own transportation/ encouraged to carpool with others Responsible for— Parking fees at the Hyatt Taking group to eat all meals Friday night supervision (ghost tour, walking River Street, etc.) Beach Party set-up **Still get down-time to enjoy the trip on your own