MY FMP CONCEPT Shaw Fowler. Initially, I had a struggle deciding exactly what I wanted to produce for my final major product. I knew I wanted to do something close to my interests, but I also didn’t want to just sit and use what i already had. I wanted to head a little outside of my comfort zone and challenge myself to do or find somethign new, staying in the same world the things I would typically create content about.
FLY MAGAZINE Arts and Culture Sheffield and South Yorkshire 16-28 year olds Poetry Fashion I came up with fly magazine after working through a list of stereotypical sheffield words, reaching to have some connection between the genre and the location. Eventually I decided that i didn’t need that connection, once again trying to encourage myself to think outside of the box. Fly is a reference to the phrase fly on the wall, the way i want this name to be interpreted is that FLY magazine can offer you an inside look on something that maybe you can’t find somewhere else. this something however, will be exclusively arts and culture related Obviously, my magazine is going to be based in sheffield and the articles will be sheffield focused. Particuarly, a profile on someone from sheffield, and a story primarily about vintage stores in sheffield. I have set my target audience to be 16-28 year olds, this is because young people are the most active users of the internet, and taking into consideration that there are digital elements I went with a teenager to young adult audience. This also includes students, who are usually the most common group looking to indulge in sheffield culture I chose to focus on poetry for my online article as I think there will be lots of opportunity for audiovisual content. I chose to focus on fashion for my print article because i think there will be better still visuals.
What I want to achieve Professional Edgy Unique Clean The overall product I want to create will be hopefully unique, keeping in mind Neale’s theory of repetition and difference. I want to mirror the professional look of magazines like Vogue and Elle, and combine that with the edgy nature of magazines such as dazed and confused. With all these ideas however, it’s going to be important that I edit well, and keep my magazine clean, rather than overcrowded and misguided.
Online Article Poetry Vicky Imagery Interactive content. My online article is going to be about poetry, which is something that has a growing community in south yorkshire. I plan on interviewing Vicky Morris, a poet and educator the imagery will be artsy, minimal focusing on environments, rather than directly vicky. the interactive content will be an audio link of a performance of one of her poems, along with a short interview.
Print article Fashion Louisa Imagery the print article will be about fashion, particularly a piece about freshman’s vintage boutique in sheffield being taken over by a new owner. this is where louisa comes in, she will be taking ownership of the vintage boutique, and i want to interview her about her past in the fashion world and her future as the new owner of the store. the imagery of this article will be bright and fashion focused, taking inspiration from louisa’s instagram and referencing her creative input in the article itself.
Any questions? Thanks for listening