All I want for Christmas is . . . Kleenex! Expo Markers
The best way to reach me is at: Welcome to Integrated Math 2! Mrs. Ross Room 146 Please sign in. The best way to reach me is at:
Aeries Parent Portal: If you do not have the access code to the Aeries Parent Portal, you should get it tonight. AND YOU SHOULD GIVE THE CODE TO YOUR STUDENT! Administration should have directions on how to set up an Aeries Parent Portal Account or you can go to my webpage for the instructions.
Aeries Communications: In order for parents and guardians to receive Aeries Communications, the Contacts / Notifi-cation Preference must be set to receive ‘General and Emergency Announcements’. When the parent / guardian logs in to the Parent Portal, they will be able to set their Notification Preferences as well as access the Communi-cations Interface.
Aeries Communications: The Contacts / Notifica- tion Preference must be set to receive ‘General and Emergency Announcements’.
How to Get to Mrs. Ross’ Webpage: Go to CHHS website Classrooms Ross, Sandra On My Webpage: Helpful Links Assignments Notes Textbook online
PRINT AND COMPLETE THIS PAGE ONLY AND RETURN SIGNED. Student Name: ___________________________________ Course: __________________________ Per: ____ 1. This signed Course Outline is worth _______ points (or equivalent to _____ homework assignments. It will be worth two points less on each successive day after the due date. (2 points) 2. Any ____________________ _________________ being used during class (except for official class business) will be confiscated and turned into administration. A warning does not have to be given. (1 pt) 3. If WIFI is unavailable, data minutes might be used for official class business. ____________ (1 point) Parent to Initial Here 4. Study/office hours are held during _______________ and until _________ daily. (2 points) 5. Homework logs are due on __________________. _____ _____________ will be deducted for late homework logs. _____ homework logs will be accepted after __________________ of that week. (4 pts) 6. It is the __________________ responsibility to make up all assignments, tests and quizzes. (1 point) 7. _____________ and ______________ below 90% can be corrected. An ____________________ must be made and the ______________ must be re-done. (3 points) 8. The student’s access code to the Aeries parent portal has been received AND ‘General and Emergency Announcements’ have been set to receive communication. (1 point) ____________ 9. The purchase of a TI- 30X IIS ___________________ _______________________ is highly recommended for class and home use. (1 point)
I have read and understand the procedures and requirements, as outlined above. ______________________________________________ ______________________ Student Signature Date _______________________________________ _______________________________________ PRINT Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature (1 point) Best Phone Number Parent Can Be Reached At Parent’s Email Address (1 point) (1 point) Note: If the above phone number and/or email address are incorrect or inaccessible, the point(s) will be deductible from the total score of the Course Outline. Please contact Mrs. Ross if these change.
1. This signed Course Outline is worth 25 points and is due 8/21/18 1. This signed Course Outline is worth 25 points and is due 8/21/18. It will be worth two points less on each successive day after the due date. The score on the Course Outline will be re-stored to 25 points because of your attendance here tonight.
3. If WIFI is unavailable, data minutes might be used for official class business. __________ Parent Initials
FOREIGN language, Math is. Study, you must. -Mrs. Ross
4. Study hours are held during lunch and until 3:30 daily.
5. Homework logs are due on Mondays 5. Homework logs are due on Mondays. 5 points will be deducted for late homework logs. NO homework logs will be accepted after Friday of that week.
6. It is the student’s responsibility to make up all assignments, tests and quizzes.
7. Quizzes and tests below 90% can be corrected 7. Quizzes and tests below 90% can be corrected. An appointment must be made and the review must be re-done.
8. The student’s access code to the Aeries Parent Portal has been received. __________ Parent to Initial Here Again, if you do not have an Aeries Parent Portal account, please get the access code tonight.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SUPPLIES: Scientific Calculator TI-30XIIS Compass, Protractor and Ruler (CPR) Colored Pens or Pencils
Access to the electronic textbook (e-book) is now available! Advantages: Online Tutorials Self-Check Quizzes Key homework problems worked out Mobility: book can be used “on the go” Go to Mrs. Ross’ Helpful Links Folder for direct McGraw-Hill link.
STEPS FOR ACCESSING THE CONNECT ED ACCOUNT Students access class link through the district website and the student tab then log in with school username and password. Click Connect Ed and login with same username followed by .stu.chino, but password is now capital of first two initials followed by last four of student ID. Example: John Doe Student ID 123456789 Username: jdoe.stu.chino Password: JD6789
All I want for Christmas is . . . Kleenex! Expo Markers
Thank you for coming!
Computer Days in the Library: STUDENTS MUST BRING THEIR ID CARD! Our first visit will be this coming Monday, September 21.
__________________ ____________________ __________________ ____________________ PRINT Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature (1 point) Best Phone Number Parent Parent’s Email Address Can Be Reached At (1 point) (1 point) Note: If the above phone number and/or email address are incorrect or inaccessible, the point(s) will be deductible from the total score of the Course Outline. Please contact Mrs. Ross if these change.
2. Cell phones and electronic devices being used during class will be confisca-ted and turned into administration. A warning does not have to be given.
8. The student’s access code to the Aeries Parent Portal has been received. __________ Parent Initials Again, if you do not have an Aeries Parent Portal account, please get the access code tonight.
STEPS FOR CREATING A CONNECT ED ACCOUNT Some students may already have an account set up from a pre-vious year. Do you remember doing this through ConnectED? If so, you don’t have to do it again, but you will need to find your password. Look for it or see your teacher for help finding it. Go to Here is your redemption code for this class: PN5J-H9RC-MZFO Click “Create a new account.” Click “Register.” Enter your first name, last initial, and Student ID Click “Finish.” Click “Continue” to view your content. After doing this you will have access to your e-textbook, which will help you to do interactive learning. I will demonstrate this in class for you.
9. A TI-30XIIS is highly recommended for class and home use.