European Exploration
Desire: Europeans wanted silk and spices from China and the East Indies. Europeans with the ability to import spices and silk could earn a lot of money. How do you suggest they get it?
Solution: During the 15th century, Spain, Portugal, and France sent explorers to find new water trade routes to the East.
East Indies = land and islands southeast of India England Portugal Spain
Obstacles: Italy and the Muslim Turks had control over trade routes through the Mediterranean Sea and the land routes. Western Europeans had to compete with Italians and Turks for trade.
It was not safe to travel through Muslim lands, so Europeans needed to find water routes. East Indies England Portugal Spain
Equipment/Inventions Explorers used a compass and an astrolabe to find their destinations. An astrolabe shows which latitude you are located on. A compass shows which direction you are heading.
15th Century Entrepreneur! Imagine you are a Portuguese entrepreneur during the 15th century. You recognize that you could make a lot of money if you can just find a trade route with the East! A trip costs a lot of money though, so you need to convince a King to sponsor you. Tell your king why it will be a good investment for him to sponsor you.
Get Sponsored! Imagine you are a Portuguese entrepreneur during the 15th century. You recognize that you could make a lot of money if you can just find a trade route with the East. A trip costs a lot of money though, so you need to convince a King to sponsor you. Answer the King’s questions to get your funding.
Check for Understanding Why did European exploration begin in the 15th century? 2. Where did Europeans want to go? What did Europeans want from Asia? 3. Which European countries tried to find trade routes to Asia? 4. Why didn’t Western European nations trade through the Mediterranean? 5. Why did Western European nations search for water routes instead of land routes? 6. What did Europeans use the compass and astrolabe for?