ACTIVITY 1 – Teacher Guided: Phonics Activity ACELA 1758


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Presentation transcript:

ACTIVITY 1 – Teacher Guided: Phonics Activity ACELA 1758 Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Directions: Say the name of the letters. Say the sound the letters make. Say the word. Students circle the pictures that have the sound of the letters. (pig, sad, rocket, duck, clock, sock, pencil )

My family and pets I see my brother and sister playing. ACTIVITY 2 – Teacher/Assistant Guided: Read High-Frequency Words ACELA.1758 & 1437 I see my mom and sisters reading. I see my brother and sister playing. I see my dog and cat eating. My family and pets Name _________________________ Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Directions: Fold the paper into a book. Teacher/assistant and student will track & read the high-frequency word sentences. Then students will trace the high-frequency word.

ACTIVITY 3 – Rainbow Letter Formation ACELY 1653 & ACLEA 1440 Materials: Print out this slide and give crayons to each student. Directions: Practise tracing the letter using each colour of the rainbow.

The cat sat. The cat sips. The cat naps. My name is ACTIVITY 4 – Retell life experience The cat sat. My name is The cat sips. The cat naps. Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil and crayons to each student. Directions: Ask the students to retell a time they did something fun and then have them draw it. If they are able to write a sentence about that time, please allow it. The student may also dictate to the teacher or assistant what else they would like to say. Prior to the activity, create an example for the students.

Teacher Guided: Phonics activity Block 5: Performance & Rotational Activities Rotational Activity 1 Teacher Guided: Phonics activity Rotational Activity 2 Teacher Guided: Read High-Frequency Book Rotational Activity 3 Letter Formation ck Rotational Activity 4 Teacher Guided: Retell life experience Click the to go directly to the activity. Teacher gives directions for each rotational activity. Teacher Note Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Directions: Say the name of the letters. Say the sound the letters make. Say the word. Students circle the pictures that have the sound of the letters. (pig, sad, rocket, duck, clock, sock, pencil ) Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil to each student. Directions: Fold the paper into a book. Teacher/assistant and student will track & read the high-frequency word sentences. Then students will trace the high-frequency word. Materials: Print out this slide and give crayons to each student. Directions: Practise tracing the letter using each colour of the rainbow. Materials: Print out this slide and give a pencil and crayons to each student. Directions: Ask the students to retell a time they did something fun and then have them draw it. If they are able to write a sentence about that time, please allow it. The student may also dictate to the teacher or assistant what else they would like to say. Prior to the activity, create an example for the students.