Suzaku perspective on the Galactic Center The “40-keV Plasma” vs “10-keV Plasma” What is the Origin of the 6.7 keV-line Plasma ? Are the Galactic Center and Ridge emissions Same Origin ? Big bang of Sgr A* or Multi-SNe or ? (1) X-ray reflection Nebulae: Sgr B2, Sgr C, M0.01-0.09 (2) Supernovae and SNRs: Sgr A East, G359.8 G0.570 (3) Non Thermal Jets, Filaments, and Shell
What is our Galactic Center ? Who resembles the Milky Way ? 2 5 2 5 2 5 10 keV 6.64keV, EW=120eV Milky Way NGC253 NGC1068 6.4keV, EW=1200eV 6.7 1430eV 6.9 494eV 2 10 5 10 5 10 NGC253: Pietsch et al. 2001, M81:Page et al. 2004, M31: Takahashi et al. 2004, NGC1068: Matt et al. 2004
(1) X-ray Reflection Nebula Sgr B2 M0.01-0.09 Sgr C Under Construction
(1’) Other 6.4 keV line Clump
Kicked-off Neutron Star ? Foreground source (2) Sgr A East =Young SNR Thermal Plasma ( ~ 4 keV) Kicked-off Neutron Star ? Sgr A* Park et al. 2005 Sakano et al. 2004 Sgr A East (age ~1000 year) Maeda et al. 2002
(3) Non Thermal Structrue Shell of SNR ? like SN1006 or due to Nuclear Burst ? Sakano et al. 2003
1 2 3 Non Thermal X-ray Jets and filaments
Key Questions on the iron line ASCA Mapping with thw3-iron Lines Key Questions on the iron line Which line is clumpy ? Only 6.4 keV line (XRN) ? How about 6.7 and 6.9 keV lines ? Are these intensities and the line ratio uniform ? Any non-thermal structure ? Suzaku Mapping of 6.4, 6.7 and 6.9 keV line with a unit scale of ~5 arc-min.
Sgr B2 other structure G0.570-0.018 Chandra 100 ksec XISx4 100 ksec
1 arcmin region spectra The East of Sgr A* Chandra 50 ksec XISx4 100 ksec
The West of Sgr A* and Sgr C XISx4 100 ksec
Hard Diffuse Component According to the latitudinal scanning observation of RXTE-PCA, the intensity of diffuse emission at the Galactic center can be estimated.