Homelessness & Its Solutions in Bloomington
I thought I could do it on my own I thought I could do it on my own. But it’s not that simple when your babies are on the line. No matter how old they are, when they’re looking at you asking, ‘What’s for dinner, mom?’ and you’re going, ‘Well...crackers and ketchup sounds good,’ that eats at your backbone a bit. When your daughter is taking a shower and says, ‘Mom, something’s coming up through the tub,’ and you have to tell her, ‘It’s okay, honey. That’s normal,’ it’s kind of hard.”
“I was so afraid to tell anybody that I was homeless “I was so afraid to tell anybody that I was homeless. You get looked down upon, because people don’t even stop to try and hear your story and understand why you’re homeless. You’re just automatically put in that box of, ‘You’re homeless. You’re a bad person. You obviously did something wrong…’”
Homelessness in Monroe County 340
Chronic Homelessness 61 (18%)
Family Homelessness 134 (39%)
Veteran Homelessness 13 (4%)
Regional Trends - 2007-2016
Out of Town 20-30%
Employed 40%
Per Capita Homelessness Nationally: 202 Monroe County: 246 DC: 1,133 NYC: 768 Hawaii: 465
The Impact Of Shalom
THE CENTER 72,194 meals 8,752 casework counseling sessions 1,831 sleep-days 2,393 loads of laundry 158 ID’s 5,101 showers 152 people helped with prescriptions 98 people helped with insurance payments
HOMELESSNESS CASEWORK 249 people in 2015 69% housing 55% permanent housing
48% into permanent housing STREET OUTREACH 160 people in 2015 86% off the street 79% into housing 48% into permanent housing
RAPID RE-HOUSING & PREVENTION RRH: 92 households, 183 people, including 69 children HP: 220 households, 414 people
CRAWFORD HOMES Housing more than 60 individuals, couples, & families 94% Housing Stability Rate 43% Income Improvement Near 100% Health Insurance 65% in Emergency Room Use 88% in Incarcerations
783 people Housed or prevented from homelessness GRAND TOTALS 2015 783 people Housed or prevented from homelessness
Friend’s Place
Crawford 2
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