Agenda Facebook Business Page Facebook community page Facebook listing page Facebook flyers and Post cards Using PowerPoint 2010 for all of the above Some cool ideas for posting to Facebook
7 Seconds
First Impression You have 7 Seconds Your brain makes a thousand computations Are you someone to approach or to avoid? Are you friend or foe? Do you have status and authority? Are you trustworthy, competent, likeable, confident? Researchers from NYU found that we make eleven major decisions about one another in the first seven seconds of meeting.
Seven Nonverbal Ways To Make A Positive First Impression:
Seven Nonverbal Ways To Make A Positive First Impression: Adjust your attitude. People pick up your attitude instantly. Before you turn to greet someone, or enter the boardroom, or step onstage to make a presentation, think about the situation and make a conscious choice about the attitude you want to embody. Straighten your posture. Status and power are nonverbally conveyed by height and space. Standing tall, pulling your shoulders back, and holding your head straight are all signals of confidence and competence.
Smile. A smile is an invitation, a sign of welcome Smile. A smile is an invitation, a sign of welcome. It says, “I’m friendly and approachable.” Make eye contact. Looking at someone’s eyes transmits energy and indicates interest and openness. (To improve your eye contact, make a practice of noticing the eye color of everyone you meet.) 5. Raise your eyebrows. Open your eyes slightly more than normal to simulate the “eyebrow flash” that is the universal signal of recognition and acknowledgement.
6. Shake hands. This is the quickest way to establish rapport 6. Shake hands. This is the quickest way to establish rapport. It’s also the most effective. Research shows it takes an average of three hours of continuous interaction to develop the same level of rapport that you can get with a single handshake. 7. Lean in slightly. Leaning forward shows you’re engaged and interested. But be respectful of the other person’s space. That means, in most business situations, staying about two feet away.
7 Seconds Every encounter, from conferences to meetings to training sessions to business lunches, presents an opportunity to meet people, network, and expand your professional contacts by making a positive first impression. You’ve got just seven seconds – but if you handle it well, seven seconds are all you need!
It All Starts Online My Friends Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Instagram Foursquare
Facebook Use Facebook To Connect and engage with Clients Maintain a Consistent Flow of Communication with current and past clients (Put it in your schedule) Integrate Facebook Into Your Existing Marketing (Time blocking) Consider Using Facebook Ads (Current and Past Clients) Create and Maintain a Professional Image Be careful what you post to Facebook — pictures of you drinking a cocktail or posts about a wicked hangover aren’t likely to inspire trust. Never politics Never religion
Always and I Mean Always Keep It Positive “The last thing clients want to see is how tough the real estate market is. “Use your presence to educate and inspire instead.”
Facebook For Business (Your Brand)
Facebook Community
Listing Fan Page
Flyers Post Cards Using Power Point 2010
My Favorite Site For This Strategy
Post Card For Mailer
Ideas For Fan Page Who are you? Daily occurrences (Start looking for them) Question of the Day Fill in the blank Funny Friday or any day 6. Universal Quotes 7. Pics of the neighborhood, city or event 8. Funny or Expressive Photos & Videos. 9. Articles About Current Events 10. YouTube Videos of Your Neighborhoods or city 11. Host a Mini Contest (Picture) 12. Links to Your Blog or Website 13. Local market update
Power Point 2010
Setting Up Your Page
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Some Cool Facebook Pages demo To Edit Photos
JINGPROJECT.COM Uses Directions to your buyers home Personal happy birthday wish Explanation on a part of the sales agreement Weekly listing status updates Personal listing presentation Examples of the tools, systems and strategies you are using to get them massive exposure Educational video’s Personal experience with other clients
Some Cool Facebook Pages
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