100th Annual Job Exposition Speaker: Robert Pinkowski CEO Ford Motor Company 100th Annual Job Exposition Speaker: Robert Pinkowski CEO Welcome to the 100th Annual Ford Job Exposition. I am Robert Pinkowski the CEO of Ford Motor Company. In 1896, Ford invented the Quadricycle. It was the first "horseless carriage" that he actually built. It's a far cry from today's cars and even from what he produced a few years later, but in a way it's the starting point of Ford's career as a businessman. We are very grateful that you could attend our extravagant event. You have been invited to attend our wonderful job exposition to help you decide whether or not you would like to work for Ford Motor Company. We are offering many jobs here at the ford Motor Company and hope that you are interested in the growing opportunities that we offer here by ford motor company. From the first day that you start working you are on your way to the top, the same way that Ford stated; form the bottom it worked its way to the top. Ford Motor Company grows every single day and has for over 100 years. To be the advertising representative it will require a lot of hard work. You will need to be on top of your game in order to meet the standards that Ford motor Company stands for. You will be in charge of all of the advertising that you see on TV, and all of the advertising in magazines and on all of the billboards in the U.S.A. This job is of the utmost importance to the overall success of our company.
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Company Link Thank you for coming out to Fords 100th Annul job exposition. It is a great help to know that so many people like the Ford name and want to be a part of Ford for many years to come. The advertising position can and most likely will open up many opportunities in the future. Ford Motor company has served the world for over 100 years and hopefully with your support we can continue to serve the world wide public for many generations to come.