Madeline Muchenberger Walter Freeman II Madeline Muchenberger
Family History and Childhood Born November 14th, 1895 Father was Walter Jackson Freeman I Mother was Corinne Keen Grandfather was William Williams Keen No information on his childhood His wife Marjorie 5 children
Education Yale: 1912-1916 University of Pennsylvania: 1916-1920 Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Europe: 1923 Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in DC: 1924
Washington DC Practicing neurologist at Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital Head of the neurology department Oxygen Therapy and Chemical Treatments
Where did he get that idea? Gottlieb Burckhardt Egas Moniz “Leucotomy”
History of Lobotomy The first 10 years Amarro Fiamberti James Watts “Lobotomobile”
Howard Dully Youngest patient Why him? Him today
Freeman Later in Life More than 2900 patients Abandoned his practice in 1967 Died 1972
Discussion Questions Do you think Walter Freeman II meant to truly to harm or do you believe he had a good heart behind what he was doing? What effects do you think his home life had on his practice? Do you think Freeman would be satisfied with how we treat the mentally ill currently? With how unsuccessful the practice was, why do you think he continued to perform lobotomies? Even when people were dying on the table.