ABC's of Book Care Let's take a trip through the ABC's. As your library book tells you how to take care of it.....
Always take care of me and I will be your friend. A is for ... Always Always take care of me and I will be your friend.
B B is for…. Babies Babies don't know how to take care of me. Keep them away from me if you please!
Carry me home and back to school in something safe. C is for…. Carry Carry me home and back to school in something safe.
D D is for…. Dogs Dogs really like me .. for chewing on! Keep them away!
E E is for…. Easy Its easy to see that everyone can enjoy books if they just take care of them.
F F is for ...Fingerprints They sure can mess me up. So wash your hands before reading whenever you can!
Glue, paste, and tape just don't mix well with books G is for….Glue Glue, paste, and tape just don't mix well with books
H H is for…. Hold Holding me carefully under one arm is a really good idea
I I is for…. Impossible It's impossible for you to not like me when I am so nice and clean and colorful.
Juice is good for you but not for me! J is for…. Juice Juice is good for you but not for me!
Keep me in a safe place so you can find me when you need me. K is for…. Keep Keep me in a safe place so you can find me when you need me.
L L is for…. Babies Please don't lay me face down. Don't you know that will break my spine?
Marking on my pages makes me ugly! M is for ...Marking Marking on my pages makes me ugly!
Never tear pages out of a book N is for…. Never Never tear pages out of a book
Open me carefully and treat me with care! O is for ...Open Open me carefully and treat me with care!
P P is for…. Pencils Please don’t use pencils to mark your place in a book – that is what bookmarks are for
Q Q is for ...Quick! Quick! Catch me before I fall! I'm quite sure I don't want a broken spine.
Remember to return your books on time! R is for ...Remember Remember to return your books on time!
Scribbling on my pages makes me so, so sad! S is for…. Scribbling Scribbling on my pages makes me so, so sad!
T T is for ...Tell Tell your librarian if you find a problem with a book that you have borrowed so she can fix it.
Please use a bookmark to save your place U is for…. Use Please use a bookmark to save your place
View me carefully by turning my pages at the corners V is for…. View View me carefully by turning my pages at the corners
Water and wet weather can ruin our books. Protect them from the rain. W is for…. Water Water and wet weather can ruin our books. Protect them from the rain.
X is for…. X (and not in the right spot) X marks the spot where someone did not take very good care of me. See how I am falling down on the shelf
You can be my friend IF you take good care of me Y is for…. You! You can be my friend IF you take good care of me
Zoom over to your library today and see how much fun books can be! Z is for…. Zoom Zoom over to your library today and see how much fun books can be!