Paper Preparation SOLO Get out one sheet of paper. Fold the paper like a hot dog. Do not unfold it.
Who Are You? (no standards covered) - by the end of this lesson: you should be able to describe your teacher you should be able to describe yourself your teacher should be able to describe you your teacher should be able to describe an adult who can ground you All notations are the original steps from the original lesson plan.
自己紹介 I am going to introduce myself to the class. As I reveal each line of my self- introduction, I want you to copy the sentences, filling in the blank for your introduction. Only write on one side of your paper.
Who Am I? Your home work for tonight: My name is _Mr. Deutsch Call me _Mr. Deutsch I am _73_ years old. My favorite _soda_______ is _melon soda My favorite _sport_______ is _soccer One thing I want you to know about me is _I used to teach in Japan __________________________________________________________. My 1st period teacher is _Mr. Deutsch In my opinion, _the best superpower to have for a day would be super speed. My name is ________________________. Call me ________________________. I am ____ years old. My favorite _____________ is ________________________. My favorite _____________ is ________________________. One thing I want you to know about me is ________________________ __________________________________________________________. My 1st period teacher is ________________________. In my opinion, ________________________ _____________________ _ Who Am I? Your home work for tonight: Interview an adult at home with these eight questions. Do not let them write the answers; you will write their responses in complete sentences on the right side of your paper. For full credit, have the adult sign the paper at the end of her or his interview.