Current Makeup of the Supreme Court


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Presentation transcript:

Current Makeup of the Supreme Court

Antonin Scalia 1. 60 MinutesPart I (7 min.) 2. 60 Minutes Part II (6 min.) Ginsburg on Scalia,,combative style, Comments on Bush v. Gore, torture 3. 90 second clip on torture (60 Min. Part III (6:28)— personal background Charlie Rose (3 min. clip)

Antonin Scalia Conservative 1986 Reagan Liberal Moderate Conservative Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia Conservative 1986 Reagan Liberal Moderate Conservative Scalia

University of Pacific— Anthony Kennedy University of Pacific— McGeorge School of Law

Moderate Conservative Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia 1986 Reagan Conservative Anthony Kennedy 1988 Reagan Moderate Conservative Liberal Moderate Conservative Kennedy Scalia --the swing vote

Clarence Thomas 3:05 into this clip

Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush Sr. “41” Liberal Moderate Conservative Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia 1986 Reagan Conservative Anthony Kennedy 1988 Moderate Conservative Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush Sr. “41” Conservative Liberal Moderate Conservative Kennedy— The swing vote Scalia Thomas

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

1993 Clinton Liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg Liberal Moderate Conservative Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia 1986 Reagan Conservative Anthony Kennedy 1988 Moderate Conservative Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush I 1993 Clinton Liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg Liberal Moderate Conservative Kennedy Scalia Ginsburg Thomas

Stephen Breyer SF Lowell High Stanford Eagle Scout

Liberal Stephen Breyer 1994 Clinton Liberal Moderate Conservative Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia 1986 Reagan Conservative Anthony Kennedy 1988 Moderate Conservative Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush I Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 Clinton Liberal Liberal Stephen Breyer 1994 Clinton Liberal Moderate Conservative Breyer Kennedy Scalia Thomas Ginsburg

Chief Justice John Roberts

John Roberts—Chief Justice 2005 Bush II “43” Conservative Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia 1986 Reagan Conservative Anthony Kennedy 1988 Moderate Conservative Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush I Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 Clinton Liberal Stephen Breyer 1994 John Roberts—Chief Justice 2005 Bush II “43” Conservative Liberal Moderate Conservative Scalia Thomas Kennedy Ginsburg Roberts Breyer

Sam Alito

Sam Alito 2006 Bush II Conservative Liberal Moderate Conservative Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia 1986 Reagan Conservative Anthony Kennedy 1988 Moderate Conservative Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush I Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 Clinton Liberal Stephen Breyer 1994 John Roberts 2005 Bush II Sam Alito 2006 Bush II Conservative Liberal Moderate Conservative Scalia Thomas Kennedy Ginsburg Breyer Roberts Alito

Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia Sotomayor 2009 Obama Moderate Liberal Liberal Moderate Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia 1986 Reagan Conservative Anthony Kennedy 1988 Moderate Conservative Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush I Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 Clinton Liberal Stephen Breyer 1994 John Roberts 2005 Bush II Sam Alito 2006 Sonia Sotomayor 2009 Obama Moderate Liberal Liberal Moderate Conservative Ginsburg Breyer Kennedy Roberts Scalia Thomas Sotomayor Alito

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Elena Kagan

Elena Kagan 2010 Obama Moderate Liberal Liberal Moderate Conservative Supreme Court Justice Year Appointed President Who Appointed Them Where They Lie on the Political Spectrum Antonin Scalia 1986 Reagan Conservative Anthony Kennedy 1988 Moderate Conservative Clarence Thomas 1991 Bush I Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 Clinton Liberal Stephen Breyer 1994 John Roberts 2005 Bush II (43) Sam Alito 2006 Bush II Sonia Sotomayor 2009 Obama Moderate Liberal Elena Kagan 2010 Obama Moderate Liberal Liberal Moderate Conservative Ginsburg Breyer Kennedy Roberts Scalia Thomas Kagan Sotomayor Alito

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