ESSA Updates for Title V, Part B, Subpart 2 Office of Program Administration and Accountability 2018 Coordinators’ Technical Assistance Academy Roanoke: July 9 -11, 2018 Williamsburg: July 23-25, 2018
Title V, Part B, Subpart 2 Title V, Part B, Subpart 2, provides funds to rural school divisions serving concentrations of children from low-income families. The Title V, Part B, Subpart 2, program is funded under the Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) and is designed to assist rural school districts in using Federal resources more effectively to improve the quality of instruction and student academic achievement.
Session Overview This session will provide ESSA updates for Title V, Part B, Subpart 2, including eligibility for funds, developing the application, use of funds, transferability, federal program monitoring, and professional development needs.
Agenda Title V, Part B, Subpart 2, Requirements for Eligibility & Developing the Title V, Part B, application. Uses of Funds & Transferability Federal Program Monitoring Professional Development Needs
Eligibility: Requirements for Eligibility under ESSA To be eligible for the Rural and Low-Income School (RLIS) grant, a division must meet eligibility requirements. Twenty percent or more of the children age 5 to 17 in average daily attendance served by the LEA are from families with incomes below the poverty line as reported in the U.S. Census Bureau's Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) data. Each school within the LEA must have a locale code of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43 as assigned by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
Developing the Title V, Part B, Application
Developing the Title V, Part B, Application Based on the division comprehensive needs assessment, identify how funds will be used. Ensure the programs and activities are evidence-based. Determine the evaluation method and/or evaluation tool to measure the positive impact the programs and activities will have on student achievement. Ensure the programs and activities are supplemental to other nonfederal programs.
Uses of Funds
Uses of Funds Funds may be spent in one or more of the following categories: Title I, Part A (Improving Basic Programs) Title II, Part A (Supporting Effective Instruction) Title III (Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students) Title IV, Part A (Student Support and Academic Enrichment) Parental Involvement Activities
Examples of Allowable Activities with Title V, Part B, funds Title I, Part A (Improving Basic Programs) Examples: supplemental curriculum resources, Instructional coaches, early childhood, increased learning time, RTI, digital learning materials Title II, Part A (Supporting Effective Instruction) Examples: professional development for instructional staff, coursework for teachers and paraprofessionals to become properly licensed and endorsed, instructional coaches to support teachers and administrators, mentoring program
Examples of Allowable Activities with Title V, Part B, funds Title III (Language Instruction for English Learners & Immigrant Students) Examples: parent and family outreach and training activities for parents and families of English Learners, professional development programs for teachers of English Learners, supplemental support materials for English language instruction
Examples of Allowable Activities with Title V, Part B, funds Title IV, Part A (Student Support and Academic Enrichment) Examples: college and career guidance and counseling programs, STEM activities, accelerated learning programs, SAT/ACT exam fees, evidence-based drug and violence prevention activities and programs, school-based mental health services
Examples of Allowable Activities with Title V, Part B, funds Parental Involvement Activities Examples: parent workshops and trainings, parent involvement coordinator, parent liaison, family outreach materials, family literacy activities
Transferability Section 5103 (b)(2) of ESSA allows divisions to transfer up to 100 percent of funds awarded from Title II, Part A, and Title IV, Part A to Title V, Part B, Subpart 2. Prior approval is required to transfer funds. The transfer request form should be submitted to the Department specialist.
Let’s Talk
Collaborative Conversation Attendees “turn and talk” to other attendees about the different activities and programs their division has used Title V, Part B, Subpart 2, funds to support. Share responses on large chart paper and share out to group.
Federal Program Monitoring
Federal Program Monitoring VDOE maintains the responsibility for adoption and use of effective methods to monitor compliance with federal and state requirements and to ensure the correction of deficiencies in program operations and the use of federal program funds. Federal policy requires every program office overseeing discretionary or formula grant programs to monitor each of its programs.
Divisions Scheduled for Title V, Part B, Federal Program Monitoring 2018-2019 Buena Vista Carroll Charlotte Covington Danville Essex Galax Greensville Lancaster Louisa Manassas Martinsville Mecklenburg Middlesex Page Patrick Russell Smyth Southampton Sussex Westmoreland Wise
VDOE Process FPM Webinar On-site/Online FPM FPM Technical Assistance Distribution of Compliance/Non-Compliance Letters
Division Process Protocol Document Review Evidence Collection System Self-Monitor and Request VDOE Assistance Virtual or Onsite FPM Participation Response to Recommendations/Findings
Evidence Collection Establish electronic filing system to mirror protocol document. Assign areas of responsibility among staff involved in the implementation of the program. Establish timelines and procedures for collection of evidence.
Evidence Collection Establish self-monitoring system to include collection and review of all elements annually. Review protocol document annually. Request clarification on any items from the VDOE Title V, Part B, specialist.
Federal Program Monitoring Components Components of the Monitoring Protocol Document include: Review of Previous Monitoring Program Application Program Monitoring and Evaluation Fiscal Requirements
Federal Program Monitoring Review of Previous Monitoring When was the last time the division was monitored? What findings, if any, were indicated as a result of the monitoring visit? Was there any follow- up to ensure that findings were corrected/ addressed?
Review of Previous Monitoring
Federal Program Monitoring Program Application What is the LEA process for review and approval of the local application? Acceptable Evidence = most recently approved annual application, needs assessment analysis
Federal Program Monitoring Program Monitoring and Evaluation Do the selected activities relate to the specified measurable objectives? Acceptable Evidence = evidence-based materials aligned with measurable objectives, professional development sign-in sheets, reimbursement requests What evidence can be provided to show the activities were effective? Acceptable Evidence = student assessment data, staff surveys, student surveys, professional development evaluations
Federal Program Monitoring Fiscal Requirements Does the school division ensure that funds expended correlate with activities outlined in the approved funding application? Acceptable Evidence = application, reimbursements Does the LEA adhere to the proper accounting of time and attendance for Title V, Part B, Subpart 2 paid staff? Acceptable Evidence = certification of pay document, personnel activity report document
Federal Program Monitoring 2017-2018 Monitoring Summary
Areas of Improvement 2.1a Do the selected activities relate to the specified measurable objectives? 2.1 b What evidence can be provided to show the activities were effective?
Professional Development Needs
Professional Development Professional Development “Needs Assessment” activity in collaborative conversation groups. Analyze the professional development activities identified in the “Collaborative Conversation” activity. Discussion
Question & Answer
Contact Information Latonia Anderson, Title I/V Specialist 804-225-2907