The Civil War: 1862-1865
Following emancipation, abolitionists increasingly pushed Lincoln to allow free African-Americans to enlist in the army and fight to liberate their “brothers and sisters.”
Regiments like the 54th Massachusetts, supported by Frederick Douglass and led by the abolitionists Robert Gould Shaw, served with valor for the remainder of the conflict.
Battles involving African-American troops
The Confederates were initially outraged by the use of African-American soldiers. The worst example occurred at Ft. Pillow in Tennessee.
Under the leadership of Confederate Gen Under the leadership of Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, the rebels took the fort, ordered the white soldiers out, then proceeded to slaughter 229 of 262 remaining African-American soldiers.
Overall, in late 1862 Lincoln continued to struggle to find a descent general, and the war continued to go poorly for the Union, again largely due to the genius of Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. Jackson.
There are three battles, in addition to Antietam, that you need to be aware of.
1. Chancellorsville - May, 1863 - Stunning Confederate victory - Resulted in the death of Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson - Emboldened Lee to once again invade the North
2. Gettysburg - July 1-3, 1863 - Victory for the Union - Pickett’s Charge on July 3 resulted in a devastating loss of men for Lee and the Confederacy - Lee had no choice but to retreat - Confederate casualties could not be replaced
3. Vicksburg - May 1862 – July 1863 - Harsh siege led by Ulysses S. Grant - Last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi river - Forced to surrender to the Union on July 4
Lincoln called Grant to Washington and placed him at the head of all Union forces. Grant began to prepare for invasion of the South and the completion of the third part of the Anaconda plan.
Grant placed his friend William Tecumseh Sherman in charge of Union forces in the “western” theater of the war.
Sherman’s goal was to take the war to the people of the Confederacy and make them see, as he suggested, that “war is hell.”
Total War
Total War
Total War
In the middle of the fighting, the Union carried out its Constitutional obligation to have a presidential election.
Union Party - Republican Party and Pro-War Democrats joined forces. - Abraham Lincoln for President, and southern Democrat Andrew Johnson for Vice President. - Supported by Union soldiers who were allowed to go home to vote. - Suggested that voters not switch leadership in the middle of a war.
Union Party - Demanded the unconditional surrender of the Confederacy. - Pushed for the ratification of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in the United States, including the border states.
Democratic Party - Split over the progress of the war. - Pro-war members left the party and joined with Lincoln. - Copperheads pushed for an end to the war.
Democratic Party - Nominated former Gen. George B. McClellan - Hoped the devotion Union soldiers had for their former leader would help him win the day. - Argued that Lincoln’s war policies were a failure.
How can we explain these results?
Back on the field of battle, U. S Back on the field of battle, U.S. Grant used the size of the Union population to his advantage. He could sustain heavy losses on the field of battle and he knew Lee could not. His goal was to grind the Confederacy into submission.
On to Richmond!
On April 9, 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse, VA, Lee surrendered to Grant. For all intents and purposes, the war was over.
The question facing the nation was how to put itself back together The question facing the nation was how to put itself back together. Numerous problems had to be solved.
Fortunately the nation had a confident and capable man to lead them in their efforts. Oh, wait. . .