RWS 100, Friday the 13th Edition Scary Assumptions
Big Announcement I got engaged!
Real Announcement Due dates have been changed! For Monday 10/16, I want a short rough draft – an intro and at least two body paragraphs. Class is canceled on Wednesday 10/18 and Friday 10/20 for the optional but highly recommended conferencing. On Monday 10/23, we will have another workshop in which you will bring a FULL 99% complete draft. Thus, the paper is now due on Tuesday, 10/24, by 11:59PM if you attend both workshops.
Real Announcement Monday 10/16 – short rough draft with at least intro + 2 body paragraphs Wednesday 10/18 and Friday 10/20 – no class Monday 10/23 – full rough draft Tuesday 10/24 – assignment 2 due by 11:59PM*
Questions about Assignment 2 Writing? Sexting? Vaping? Baes?
Bae vs. OG Bae Normal Bae OG Bae Zac Efron Leonardo DiCaprio Cole Sprouse Chris Hemsworth Kit Harington OG Bae Leonardo DiCaprio James Dean Kurt Cobain Brad Pitt
Bae Example The above was used to review how people always use rhetorical strategies. For example, I defined “bae” and then divided and classified types of “bae.” Above all else, I tried to identify with my audience by making a fool of myself and talking about baes. It was also rather curious that all the baes of baes, at one point in time, committed the sin of smoking. Food for thought for how much culture has changes and how ingrained smoking was in our culture.
Assignment 2 Try to compare the authors in terms of similar rhetorical strategies/appeals. So: Body Paragraph 1: Miller, Exemplification, Logos/Ethos Body Paragraph 2: Shieh, Exemplification, Logos/Pathos Or: Body Paragraph 1: Miller, Motive, Pathos/Ethos Body Paragraph 2: Shelbourne, Narration, Pathos/Ethos
Assignment 2 For in-text citation, use paragraph number.
Audience The intended audience that the writers are trying to persuade are college students. (AKA ppl liek u.)
Monkey Smoking VapeNation
Assumptions Assumptions are beliefs, values, and ways of seeing the world that an author takes for granted. Assumptions are sometimes explicitly stated, but are often unstated because authors expect their audience to share these beliefs or values.
Assumptions Discuss how those rhetorical strategies are based on key assumptions the author makes about that audience.
Shelbourne Assumptions Shelbourne assumes the audience will feel sympathy for her sob story. Shelbourne assumes we will identify with her plight of having trouble going to class. Shelbourne assumes the audience will agree with her dry definition of e-cigarettes.
Miller Assumptions Miller assumes the audience is incompetent and will believe his lies and twisted statistics. Miller assumes the audience will believe his “forgotten” studies are not made up and/or flawed. Miller assumes the motive of his opponents and lumps them all together as health fascists. In this way, he assumes his audience is pro-smoking.
Shieh Assumptions Shieh assumes that the audience will believe diversity and smoking are somehow linked. Shieh assumes that the audience believes smoking can be considered a social event/coping mechanism and isn’t just plain gross and disgusting. Shieh assumes that SDSU and China are comparable, just like an Uzi and a butterfly.
Grammar Homework You must confess your errors and repent. (Don’t worry – we all make mistakes.)
Group Work Break up into groups. Write stuff down on a piece of paper (1 paper per group). Look for assumptions about the audience in your section. Look for assumptions about audience in relation to rhetorical strategies (like the prompt asks).
Team Mascara Natalie, Robert, Riana, Trinity Shieh article (Diversity article) Paragraphs 1 and 2
Team Nail Polish Sofi, Riley, Alexis, Maxwell Shieh article Paragraphs 3 to end
Team Foundation Anthony, Jasmine, Jazmin, Dillon B Miller article (Smoker’s Plea) Paragraphs 1-9
Team Eyeliner Tom, Sean, Danielle, Dillon S Miller article Paragraphs 10-end
Team Lipstick Francisco, Seiya, Lauren, Josh, Arvin Shelbourne article (E-Cig) Beginning To “Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.”
Team Eyeshadow Jordan, Jenna, Lyndsey, Courtney Shelbourne article From “Unfortunately, this isn’t the case” To The end
Team Foundation: Anthony, Jasmine, Jazmin, Dillon B // Miller 1-9 Team Eyeliner: Tom, Sean, Danielle, Dillon S // Miller 10-end Team Mascara: Natalie, Robert, Riana, Trinity // Shieh 1-2 Team Nail Polish: Sofi, Riley, Alexis, Maxwell // Shieh 3-end Team Lipstick: Francisco, Seiya, Lauren, Josh, Arvin // Shel. Beginning to “Unfortunately, this isn’t the case” Team Eyeshadow: Jordan, Jenna, Lyndsey, Courtney // Shelbourne “Unfortunately this isn’t the case” to end
Group Work Look for assumptions about the audience in your section. Look for assumptions about audience in relation to rhetorical strategies (like the prompt asks).
Turn In/Up Work Turn in any work you did to get credit for it.