The Six Personal Perspectives Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 The Six Personal Perspectives Foundational Perspectives to Propel You to the Highest Level of Achievement Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Foundational to Keller Williams Realty Part of our basic vocabulary and philosophy Mindset is key to high achievement Page 7 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Discussion: When you hear the word “vacation,” what comes to mind? Is everyone thinking the same thing? Probably not. Why? Page 9 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Defining the Six Personal Perspectives What do your personal perspectives of achievement say about you? High achievers have a similar mindset when it comes to success and achievement—the key points encompassed in the Six Personal Perspectives. Page 9 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Defining the Six Personal Perspectives I am going to nail it! I am going to master this! I am going to focus on my Big Rocks. I am purposeful about breaking through my ceiling of achievement. I am willing to be taught. I always pursue learning. I unlimit my thinking and my success! It’s mine—I own it! Page 11 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Powerful Perspectives Lee Stern Nikki Ubaldini Beverly Steiner Todd Butzer Page 13 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Exercise: What will you achieve with the Six Personal Perspectives? What is the Keller Williams Mission Statement? To build careers worth having, businesses worth owning, and lives worth living. What is one goal you need to achieve on your path to a career worth having? Continued . . . Page 15 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Exercise: What will you achieve with the Six Personal Perspectives? (cont.) What is one goal you need to achieve on your path to building a business worth owning? What is one goal you need to achieve on your path to having a life worth living? Visualize what your world will look like once you master the Six Personal Perspectives and are living the Keller Williams Mission Statement. Time: 15 minutes Page 15 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Defining the Six Personal Perspectives Write Your Aha’s What did you learn? What are your aha’s? Be prepared to share with your instructor and class. Page 17
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Self-mastery is … … the possession of great knowledge, skills, and habits that make YOU the master of YOU. Page 19 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” When you commit to achieving self-mastery, you Know your goals, Know your strengths and weaknesses, and Know how to work with both your strengths and weaknesses to reach your goals. Page 19 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” High achievers … . . . make a commitment to self-mastery. Page 19 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Read, underline, and share . . . “Be first a master of yourself, and only then a master of anything else.” —Baltasar Gracián, Spanish Author Page 21
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Role-Model Video Watch Beverly Steiner, multiple Market Center OP, talk about her first big aha about committing to self-mastery. Page 21 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Mastery is … … the possession of great knowledge, skills, and habits that make one a master of a subject. Page 23 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Discussion: Someone has decided to master lead generation. The goal is setting more appointments. What are some strengths that person would need to master lead generation? What are some weaknesses that might hinder their mastery? Page 23 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Exercise: Achieve Goals through Self-Mastery For each of the three goals you wrote on p. 15, list one obstacle you think might hinder your achievement of this goal. Consult and discuss with your partner so you are sure to dig deep—it’s not always the most obvious choice! Share with your partner what strengths you feel you have that will help you overcome each obstacle. Continued . . . Pages 25-27 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Exercise: Achieve Goals through Self-Mastery (cont.) What weaknesses might hinder you from overcoming the obstacles? How can you conquer them? Brainstorm with your partner. Are the obstacles movable? Is there something you can master that will help? Time: 15 minutes Pages 25-27 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” Write Your Aha’s What did you learn? What are your aha’s? Be prepared to share with your instructor and class. Page 29
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Truth There is a pattern of predictable imbalance in life. It is called the 80/20 Principle. Page 31 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle More results, fewer activities . . . Excerpt from The Millionaire Real Estate Investor Page 31
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle When we are focused on the 20 percent that matters, we get 80 percent of the results we want. Page 33 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Focus on what matters . . . Excerpt from The 4-Hour Workweek Page 33
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle High achievers … . . . always have a focus, and they use the 80/20 Principle as the method of their focus. Page 35 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Role-Model Video Watch David Osborn, Regional OP and multiple Market Center OP, talk about how focusing on the 20 percent helped him avoid burnout and turn his business around. Page 35 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Read, underline, and share . . . The Big Rocks and the Jar Page 37
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Exercise: Work in Your 20 Percent What are some tasks you perform on a typical day? List one of the goals you wrote down on p. 15. Now go back and circle all the tasks that will help you accomplish this goal. What are the 20 percent activities you are or need to be doing? Time: 5-7 minutes Page 39 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Focus with the 4-1-1 Set SMART Goals Create a Powerful Productivity Tool Page 41 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Sample Mega Agent 4-1-1 Page 43
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Build Your 4-1-1 Page 45
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Time blocking is … … dedicating specific periods of time to specific purposes. Page 47 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle High achievers … … know what matters—the 20 percent—and they block the time to do that first! Page 47 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Five Keys to Successful Time Blocking Be consistent enough to set the habit. Be thoughtful and purposeful about the items you list on your calendar. Be diligent by not allowing anything to steal time you have dedicated to the activities on your calendar. Always time block for the “Big Rocks” (your 20 percent) that ensure your success and the success of your business. If you erase, you must replace! Page 47 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Exercise and Discussion: Time Block Your 20 Percent Earlier you identified some 20 percent activities. What should your appointment book look like when you are time blocking for these activities? What do you do if someone interrupts you during an appointment you have set with yourself? Time: 20-25 minutes Pages 49-51 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle Write Your Aha’s What did you learn? What are your aha’s? Be prepared to share with your instructor and class. Page 53
Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Moving from “E” to “P” Page 55 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Moving from “E” to “P” means Moving from an Entrepreneurial Style Doing what comes naturally To a Purposeful Style Doing what comes unnaturally Page 55 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” High achievers … … are always looking for the purposeful way. By doing this, they break through the ceiling of their natural behavior. Page 57 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Role-Model Video Watch Linda McKissack, Regional OP, talk about how getting purposeful and breaking through a ceiling of achievement is necessary to attain your goals. Page 57 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Five Steps to Getting Purposeful Step 1. Focus Write your goals. Focus on the 20 percent. Step 2. Find Strategic Options Ask, “How can this be done?” Ask, “Are there different, better ways to do it?” Step 3. Look for Models to Follow Attend training that teaches you how to get where you want to go. Identify mentors/people who have done it. Step 4. Install Systems Time block. Practice scripts. Create checklists. Make sure the systems you install work consistently and efficiently. Step 5. Bring in Accountability Measure what you do. Keep track with the 4-1-1 Action Goal Worksheet. Have an accountability partner. Page 57
Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Exercise: Break Through Your Ceiling Write one of your goals. What are the 20 percent activities you must do to accomplish this goal? How are you going to do this? Is there training you can attend? A mentor who can help? Are there systems you can install? What are they? How will you track your progress? Who will hold you accountable? Time: 20-25 minutes Page 59 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 3: Move from “E” to “P” Write Your Aha’s What did you learn? What are your aha’s? Be prepared to share with your instructor and class. Page 61
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan A learning-based individual is … … an individual who has made the decision to use effective learning as the foundation piece for their action plan to develop their life. Page 63 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Know for Doing’s Sake Page 63 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Four Levels of Competency Page 65 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan High achievers … … make training, education, and self-development the foundational piece of their action plan to achieve their goals. Page 67 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Role-Model Video Watch Bruce Hardie, Area Director, share his first aha about being learning based and how important it is to know for the sake of doing. Page 67 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Agent Curriculum: Launch (Annual Unit Production: 0-16 Units) Time Management with the 4-1-1 Success Series CAMP 4:4:3 Page 69 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Agent Curriculum: Growth (Annual Unit Production: 16-36 Units) Lead Generation 36:12:3 Buyer Mastery Internet Lead Generation Seller Mastery Page 71 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Agent Curriculum: Achievement (Annual Unit Production: 36+ Units) RSTLM™: Recruit-Select RSTLM™: Leadership and Motivation MREA Curriculum RSTLM™: Action Training Page 73 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Agent Curriculum: All Levels Wealth-Building Workshop Quantum Leap Grow Your Profit Share Tree Page 75 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Supplement the Curriculum The Millionaire Real Estate Series MREA MREI FLIP SHIFT Continued . . . Page 77 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Supplement the Curriculum (cont.) Events Coaching Online Learning Tools Page 79 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the Foundation of Your Action Plan Write Your Aha’s What did you learn? What are your aha’s? Be prepared to share with your instructor and class. Page 81
Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Close your manuals. Now, by a show of hands and without speaking, how many of you can draw? Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Clear your mind of limiting beliefs. Develop a positive attitude. Redirect any negative thoughts into positive ones. Page 83 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” High achievers … … remove beliefs from their thinking that hold them back. Page 83 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Role-Model Video Watch Kay Evans, Southeast Regional Investor, share how she had to work to remove her limiting beliefs when the opportunity presented itself to expand the Southeast Region. Page 83 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Redirect and remove … Lee Stern Page 85 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004 59
Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Discussion: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs Think of a time in your life when you had a limiting belief you needed to remove. How did you do it? What new successes came your way once you removed the limiting belief? Time: 5-7 minutes Page 87 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Exercise: Remove Your Limiting Beliefs Pair up with a partner. Ask that person for one limiting belief he/she has that is holding them back. What steps could your partner take to remove this limiting belief? Switch roles and share a limiting belief you feel is holding you back. What action steps does your partner think you could take? Incorporate these into your 4-1-1. Time: 10-15 minutes Page 87 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 5: Remove Your “Limiting Beliefs” Write Your Aha’s What did you learn? What are your aha’s? Be prepared to share with your instructor and class. Page 89
Step 6: Be Accountable Are you accountable? Or are you a victim? Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable Are you accountable? Or are you a victim? Page 91 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 6: Be Accountable Being a Victim Being Accountable Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable Being a Victim Being Accountable Doesn’t seek reality Seeks reality Fights reality Acknowledges reality Blames Owns it Personal excuses Finds solutions Waits and hopes Gets on with it Page 91 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Accountability is an attitude and an approach. Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable Accountability is an attitude and an approach. Accountability is a tool for changing the results in your life. Accountability is a dynamic cycle, not a static concept. Page 93 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004 65
Step 6: Be Accountable Role-Model Video Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable Role-Model Video Watch Lee Stern; Regional Director, Team Leader, and KWU Master Faculty; share how she created a culture of accountability in her Market Center. Page 93 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004 66
… are diligent about being accountable. Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable High achievers … … are diligent about being accountable. Page 93 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 6: Be Accountable Exercise: Accountable vs. Victim Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable Exercise: Accountable vs. Victim Think of an issue or problem you are struggling with right now. You have two minutes to complain (be in “victim mode”) about your problem with others in the classroom. After two minutes of “victim mode,” return to your seats. Utilizing the “Be Accountable” steps, work through and write down the necessary approach and actions you can take to resolve this issue or problem. Time: 10 minutes Page 95 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004 68
… have someone holding them accountable on a regular basis. Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable High achievers … … have someone holding them accountable on a regular basis. Page 97 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004 69
Accountability–The People in Mo’s Box Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable Accountability–The People in Mo’s Box Page 97 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 6: Be Accountable Exercise: Who are the people in your box? Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable Exercise: Who are the people in your box? Do you have a financial, spiritual, physical, and business coach, or are you just winging it? Using the “People in the Box” graphic in your manual, write in who could potentially hold you accountable or who already is holding you accountable in these areas. You can have more than one accountability partner if you really want to grow! Time: 10 minutes Page 99 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004
Step 6: Be Accountable Accountability Session Model for Consulting Instructor's Notes 2/24/2019 Step 6: Be Accountable Is there anything that might keep you from doing that? If you needed training or support to do this, what might it be? What was your goal? How did you do? How do you feel about that? Based on how you did, what is your goal and what do you need to do now? Accountability Session Model for Consulting Page 101 Keller Williams@2003 MREA Business Planning Clinic Jan 2004 72
Step 6: Be Accountable Write Your Aha’s What did you learn? What are your aha’s? Be prepared to share with your instructor and class. Page 103
Become a High Achiever Page 105 I am going to nail it! I am going to master this! I am going to focus on my Big Rocks. I am purposeful about breaking through my ceiling of achievement. I am willing to be taught. I always pursue learning. I unlimit my thinking and my success! It’s mine—I own it! Page 105
Don’t forget your evaluations! Thank you for being here! Don’t forget your evaluations!