Environmental Studies Mrs. Ghazarian Adrineh.Ghazarian@lausd.net
Course Description This course has a great emphasis on the “science” of environmental science. The key themes of this course are evolution, altering natural ecosystems through human actions, and energy use. This course requires math. In addition to lectures, there will lab experiments, and hands-on activities, films with study guides and analysis questions.
Course Description Cont’d Student participation is required and highly encouraged. Participation in class counts toward the overall student grade. Students will be required to create two major projects for the class in groups and present their projects to the class.
Class Requirements Students need a binder, composition book (for field notes), pencils, erasers, a ruler, and coloring pencils, and highlighter. Access to Computers for typing lab reports, as well as access to printers to print lab reports, homework, and class notes. During the course of the year students are expected to complete the reading in the text, and any other supplemental readings (case studies, news articles). In addition to lecture, each chapter includes a lab component, and may include hands-on activities.
Assessment Chapter tests & Quizzes 40% Labs & Projects 20% Homework 10% Final 30% Total: 100%
Grading Scale A 90-100% B 89-80% C 79-70% D 69-60% F 59-0%
Remediation & Tutoring Hours: During Lunch Daily Wednesdays After School 3:30PM – 4:30PM