Lunar dust transport investigation in laboratory plasmas X. Wang, M. Horanyi and S. Robertson
Dust Transport above the Lunar Surface The image of lunar horizon glow taken shortly after sunset [Criswell, 1973]
Sketch of linear bright streamers by astronauts Dust Transport above the Lunar Surface Sketch of linear bright streamers by astronauts
Dust Transport on A Surface in Plasma
Dust spreading process after plasma is turned on Observations Initial Pile Uniform Spreading Dust spreading process after plasma is turned on Bull’s Eye Pattern Dust Ring Insulator Initial dust pile 6 mm Dust hopping
Potential contours above an insulating disc sitting on the graphite surface biased at -80V Potential Dip
Dust transport in plasma with an electron beam Emissive probe Filament Dust pile Graphite plate Vacuum pump Filament & Mesh CCD camera
Currents to the graphite plate surface Jb is electron beam current density and is obtained from a Lamgmuir probe I-V trace. Je is electron current density. Ji is ion current density and equals Jse is secondary electron current density and Jse = kJb.
Sheath profiles with Jb Ji Secondary electrons are not negligible when beam energy is greater than 60eV. E// is pointing inward. E is increased in an order of magnitude.
Dust transport observation (Eb=70 eV) Potential contours