Wave Interactions Unit 12 Section 3
I. Reflection Sometimes a wave bounces back after hitting a barrier. When the bouncing back of light, sound or heat takes place, it is called reflection. An echo is a reflected sound wave. When a wave hits a barrier and keeps moving through the barrier, the wave has been transmitted (sent through) through the barrier rather than reflecting back.
http://video. search. yahoo. com/video/play http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=refraction&n=21&ei=utf-8&fr=yfp-t-907&fr2=tab-img&tnr=20&vid=000157376143
II. Refraction Refraction is the bending of a wave as the wave passes between two substances in which the speed of the wave differ. i. This makes the object appear bent. This happens because you are putting the object in different media and the wavelength changes in different media. Light waves travels slower through liquids than it does through gases (air) so the light wave slows down once it hits the water. This change in speed causes the object to appear bent. http://www.kettering.edu/~drussell/Demos/refract/refract.html
An example of refraction Medium is air As a result of the light waves hitting the spoon in the air and the water at an angle, the spoon appears bent. This is refraction. Medium is water
http://video. search. yahoo. com/video/play http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=refraction&n=21&ei=utf-8&fr=yfp-t-907&fr2=tab-img&tnr=20&vid=000157376143
Quickie Quiz ____________ happens when a wave passes from one medium to another at an angle. Diffraction Refraction Reflection Interference
Quickie Quiz The bending of a wave around a barrier is called Refraction Diffraction Reflection Interference
Quickie Quiz We can see the moon because of the ________________ of sunlight off it. Refraction Diffraction Reflection Interference
Quickie Quiz A reflected sound wave is a called an __________________.
Quickie Quiz Why does the spoon appear to bend in this picture?
Quickie Quiz When a wave hits a surface and keeps going, rather than bouncing off of it, the wave has been Reflected Transmitted Echoed Diffracted