1950’s- 1960’s Changes
Business in the 1950’s BUSINESS EXPANSION: CONGLOMERATES FRANCHISES - McDonald’s CONSUMERISM Consumerism- spending the $$$$$$
SUBURBAN EXPANSION AND BABY BOOMERS Baby boomers- born between 1946-1964 New homes built in the 1950’s in the suburbs G.I Bill- Veterans of WWII Tuition for college Housing discount- Low interest loans for homes
AUTOMOBILE CULTURE Interstate highway authorized by President Eisenhower to be built Millions of cars sold in a few years time Become dependent on oil More leisure time for families New jobs created
Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk- created polio vaccine
MASS MEDIA Television main source of family entertainment/information New family shows, comedies, drama Movies more technical advancements
Conformity Yielding to group pressures or acting in line with the expectations of society. “fitting in” “keeping up with the Joneses” -
How did people conform? Materialism Suburbanization Gender Roles Religion Consumer spending rose as demand for goods increased and a new advertising industry emerged. People moved out of cities into new homes in the suburbs like Levittown. Men were expected to work and provide for the family while women were encouraged to stay at home and raise children. Premarital sex was considered taboo. Church attendance increased and the phrase “under God” was added to the pledge.
Rebellion Resisting authority, control, or tradition
BEAT MOVEMENT Chuck Berry-Rock n roll Elvis Presley 1950’s Beatniks-nonconformists, 1960’s hippies
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Constitutional amendments 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, 26th Discrimination- unjust treatment of a person or group of people Segregation – separating apart from the whole group Prejudice – pre-judging a person or pre-opinion before knowledge of all the facts
U.S.-U.S.S.R space race. October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I first artificial satellite took about 98 minutes to orbit the Earth on its elliptical path.
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Court Cases- 1954 Brown Vs . Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Banned Segregated schools in the U. S.
Court Cases 1954 1896 Plessy Brown v. Board of Education v. Fergusson Ruled that “separate but equal” was legal. This became the law of the land for over 50 years! Brown v. Board of Education Ruled that “separate but equal” was illegal. This desegregated the schools.
What were some effects of segregation? There were separate schools and resources There were separate public facilities There was social isolation of the races
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Time of violence Little Rock, Arkansas-National Guards escorted African-American students to school for their protection There were separate schools and resources There were separate public facilities There was social isolation of the races
Civil Rights Jackie Robinson- 1st African American to join the major leagues. 1947 In 1950 a total of 10 Latino players were in the Major Leagues Brown vs. board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 1954 “Separate but equal” is NOT legal under the law
Civil rights Rosa Parks –arrested for refusing to move to the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama.
When did the Civil Rights Movement Begin? December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man This started the Montgomery bus boycott
Martin Luther King, Jr. Leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Believed in Passive Resistance.
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955-1956- leader of boycott was a pastor in Montgomery, Martin Luther King Jr. King was arrested and home was bombed but the boycott continue and successful when a federal court rule the segregation on the bus was unlawful. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed led by MLK Jr.-nonviolent protesting against racism
Examples of passive resistance Boycotts Sit-ins Marches
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Lunch counter demonstrations, sit-ins, boycotts in the north and south. 1960’s Civil Rights Act of 1964- All citizens have the right to be in any public accommodations
Freedom Rides Freedom Rides were in 1961. Bus loads of white and black students traveled cross country Their goal was to end discrimination at bus terminals They meet with violence in many areas, but did not give up!
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Freedom riders 1961- Acts of violence against the riders
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Made discrimination based on race, national origin, gender or religion illegal. This one piece of legislation transformed American society.
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965- Eliminated the literacy test Registered non voters